
“But as for me it, is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.” (Psalm 73:28)

I want to start today’s Pearls of Promise devotion with a question.


When did God intersect your life this week?

In my accountability group I attend, we ask “When were you closest to Christ since we last met?”

Unless we reflect on this question, we often miss or dismiss our closest encounters with the risen Lord. They are the intersections, when our lives and God’s spirit touch.

But sometimes we pass through the intersections without a second thought, don’t we?

We miss the God touches because we are not looking for them. or expecting them.

This week, my life was intersected by God.  I had prayed for a national radio opportunity to get the word out about our new book, If I Only Had… but nothing had come through yet. However, my co-author, Catherine Weiskopf, and I were scheduled to do an interview with a Denver radio station on Wednesday. The show producer was supposed to call us at 12:30 p.m., but there was no call. 1:00 p.m., still no call. Finally after waiting 45 minutes, I decided to call the station myself to see what happened.


We found out through a computer glitch, our interview was dropped from the schedule. The show hostess apologized for the error, then told me she was also hosting a national radio show now, and would do a story on the book there, instead of on the local show. What seemed like a bad situation, turned out to be great! (Romans 8:28) My prayer for a national opportunity was answered, but not exactly how I imagined! I sat in amazing at how God responded to the prayer so quickly. He intersected my life.

Perhaps God recently answered your prayer in an unusual way or in a manner you would have never dreamed of.

Maybe someone’s personal story touched your heart, and you made a change because of it.

Maybe a friend or relative who was a non-believer accepted Christ because of your witness.

These are all examples of God intersections and it’s important to recognize them when they happened. Often times, they are faith building or life changing.

So today I challenge you to ask God to make you more aware of his presence in your life because he’s nearer than you know. If you do that, it’s doubtful you will ever miss a God intersection again. (LBW)

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