Lay to Rest Our Past by Dr. Lynnette Simm

Today’s blog is provided by our new Pearls of Promise Creative Director, Dr. Lynnette Simm. Dr. Simm, with degrees in psychology and education, has been a college professor for nearly fifteen years. She is a contributor for Focus on Fabulous magazine and a freelance editor. Married over twenty years, Dr. Simm, her husband, Madison, and their two amazing daughters live in North Dallas, Texas, where she continues working on her writing. She is the author of And the Day Came, an inspirational memoir. Contact her by email: or on Facebook.

In September, the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah was celebrated and then ten days later, Yom Kippur. For the Jews the ten days between holidays are a time for celebration, reflection, and introspection. A New Year and a new start, which all lead to the Day of Atonement and Repentance, Yom Kippur. During this time people are to reflect on their past sins and ask for forgiveness. Restitution should be given and received. Old sins and debts should be released so a new year can begin.

The idea of letting our past not define our present or future seems to be a hot topic these days, so ask yourselves, “When does our adulthood (maturity and experience) overcome our childhood (immaturity and impulsiveness)? When are we not seen as who we were, but who we have become? When will our mistakes be seen as scars in a battle we are fighting and winning, as proven in our behavior since?”

Some people are habitual in their mistakes/sin. They get caught up in the temptation, and the enemy just swallows them up. Some people are evil. We live in a fallen world where there is evil. Plain and simple. But some people make mistakes, either out of ignorance, naivety, stupidity or even because they listened to the enemy, YET they learn. They change. They mature. They seek forgiveness. For these people, when is the change enough? For example, a child steals from the local convenience store, and they are marked as a thief for life. A young adult is promiscuous, and they are labeled loose and immoral for life. A student cheats on an exam, and they are branded untrustworthy for life. FOR LIFE?

Why is it when people “find out” how another person messed up, all their work since then is called into question?

Why hasn’t the behavior since their transgression signaled a learning process?

Like walking, we learn slowly and we do fall, but when we get up and learn, we are praised. When did that stop in our personal lives? If we are to learn from our mistakes, why then are those mistakes held against us? This is not to say that there are not consequences for our actions. However, how can a person ever overcome their mistakes when others use their mistakes to solidify our character?

A person’s only solace comes from knowing that those who truly know them, have acknowledged they have changed. That they were created anew in God’s image. In the Holy Bible, 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that anyone who believes in Christ is a new creation. The old has passed away. But what most people forget is to read on to verse 18 which says, we have been reconciled; therefore, are now commissioned to minister reconciliation for others.

The New Year is here for those of us who follow the Gregorian calendar. During this next season, winter is the time to shred the old and begin anew. We can all use this time to peel away our mistakes, guilt, and shame. Process what you have learned. Count all the blessings, even the small ones. Become the NEW CREATION our Lord intended us to be. Strip away the old and forgive. Let go of the past mistakes and give each other the ability to learn and earn our trust again. Allow yourself to be forgiven and give forgiveness. Let the old sins die and let people see you ANEW.


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