Seven Things I Learned about Prayer in 2017 (Part 1)

 1. Prayer is the Best Way for Breakthrough


Every year I ask God for a word to live by and my word in 2017 was “pray.” After year of living out the word “sacrifice” in 2016, I pleaded with my heavenly Father to give me a happier word like “breakthrough.” “Please LORD, can my word be breakthrough?” However, in my spirit He said clearly, “Lisa, without prayer there is no breakthrough.”

He led me to a passage in Psalm 92. “The righteous will flourish like a palm tree. They will grow like a Cedar of Lebanon, planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God” (Psalm 92:12–13).

palm tree

Both palm trees and Cedars of Lebanon have long lives. Palm trees exist for eight hundred years. Cedars of Lebanon can thrive over a thousand years and God says the righteous are like them. In other words the Lord wants us to plant ourselves in his court for long periods of time because that is where we will flourish, where we grow and have breakthrough.

I realized God was missing me. I had been reading His Word but not been spending enough time in His presence. Because of a hectic schedule I was throwing up a thirty-second “speed” prayer with lots of popcorn prayers in between.


So after this word from the Lord, I began writing down everything and everyone I wanted to pray for. Before I knew it the list was over two pages and has grown since then. When I laid these prayers at God’s feet, my prayer time went from under a minute (at times) to over an hour. I pray for my family. I pray for my friends. I pray for my projects. I pray for my jobs, both paid and volunteer. I pray for many of those I serve with in ministry. I pray for the sick. I pray for those who ask for prayers. I lift up our country, as well as Israel. I believe everything must be taken to God’s court if we want it to flourish. If we desire breakthrough.

Because all of my prayer scenarios have passed through God’s fingers,  I have seen answered prayers in many areas.

I’ve watched the Lord heal the sick. I’ve received clear direction. I feel God protects our family daily from harm. He watches over our country. I’ve experienced favor in ministry work.


God’s court is where it is at. Breakthrough resides there.

So what is stopping you from a longer stay in God’s presence? Are other concerns jumping in front of a dedicated time of prayer? Is prayer a priority in your life? Do you believe everything should be taken to God’s court?


In 2018, I challenge you to expand your prayer time. Ask God to show you who and what needs prayer in your life, then write it all down. Get up earlier. Carve out time to spend time with your Maker. He desires for you to flourish— but it starts when you plant yourself in His court.

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