Seven Things I Learned About Prayer in 2017 (Part 3)

# 3 God Desires for Us to Pour Out Our Hearts to Him

airplane real

I was in route to Toronto, Canada on Wednesday to meet my husband for his company Christmas party. However, I had to connect to another flight at New York City’s La Guardia International Airport. As we made our descent, I peered out the window to see the familiar Manhattan skyline.

I Love NY

I have fond memories of working in New York City in the 90’s and have a very close friend, Deb, who recently moved to the upper west side of the city. I enjoyed watching a video of her apartment on Facebook and longed to see her and her new place in person. Even though I am coming back to New York City in March for a speaking engagement, I prayed as we landed, “Lord, would you provide more opportunities to come to this city that I love so much?”

With wheels on the ground, I turned on my phone and it lit up with text messages from American Airlines. “Your flight from LGA was cancelled. We’re working to rebook you and will send an update soon.” As it turned out, there was no other flight to Toronto that night. I was stuck in Manhattan.

Aw shucks.


I remembered my prayer and realized God didn’t waste any time answering it. I texted my friend Deb. “How would you like company tonight?” She was delighted to have a houseguest and we had a wonderful evening catching up. I loved seeing her new place and the following morning God even painted the landscape of the city with snow. He is good like that.

God heart

When we surrender our lives to God, he hears our prayers. Like a loving Father, God wants to give us the desires of our hearts. Psalm 34:17 says, “The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them. He delivers them from all their troubles.” Earlier in Psalm 37 it says if we delight in the Lord, he will give us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4).

What are your deepest desires? Do they line up with God’s word? Perhaps it is a desire that God has planted in your heart. He just wants you to communicate that desire to him through prayer. Today when you have your time alone with God, open up your heart to your heavenly Father.

Cry out to Him.

Share the intimate things with him that you would never tell another soul.

Be transparent, because he knows it all anyway. He loves you dear child of God. Like a good Father, he wants to provide for you. All he asks is for a heart totally submitted to Him.


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