The Day Life Was a Blur

I have terrible vision and until my senior year of high school, I wore glasses with thick lenses that used to pop out in almost every basketball game I played.

Time out!

It was a great way to get a breather during a heated contest.

I switched to a wonderful invention, contacts, in my senior year of high school, but I still wear glasses at night and in the morning. It’s just too early to put those plastic discs in my eyes.

One morning this week, it was time to rise and shine and I groggily reached over to the nightstand for my glasses.

They weren’t there. Did I wear my glasses last night?

I couldn’t remember. We had been out-of-town for a few days in Austin, Texas and I was really tired when I went to bed.

Did I leave them in Austin? I hoped not. I am in a busy stretch and don’t have time for an eye exam right now.

I searched on my hands and knees, nose to the ground, looking around the floor. Then I checked the bathroom. No glasses.

So I had no choice. I had to fumble around in a blur. From making the coffee to just finding my way to the kitchen table, everything was different.

I found, without my sharpened sight, I couldn’t see the small things (like the couch) that could potentially trip me up. If there were any kind of danger lurking in my house, it would have gone unnoticed. I couldn’t see the beauty out my back window that I adore in the morning. It was frustrating and I felt out of sync.

Spiritual vision is like that.

If we don’t stay connected to God’s Word, which is described as a “lamp onto our feet” (Psalm 119:105), then we’re out of sync with God and we are bound to run into things that our heavenly Father never intended us to encounter. We go through life in a blurry haze instead of surety and confidence in how we are to live. If we are at a crossroad on an issue, God’s Word sheds light on the direction we should proceed, and the Bible, “living and active” is one vehicle in which the Holy Spirit speaks directly to us.

I’d already had this idea for a blog when our pastor, Robert Morris, spoke about light in his last sermon. At first I was dejected and thought, Now I can’t do my blog. Then I thought, Of course I can still do this blog. I will just share a couple of the things our pastor taught to enhance this blog. One of the points he made is that “Light dispels darkness.” When we’re in God’s word, darkness cannot survive. If we’re having inappropriate thoughts or wrong emotions, then they are pushed out by the light. God’s word is the antidote to impurity, anxiety and worry to name a few.

Another point he made is that “Light recovers lost things.”

When I lost my glasses, I knew I couldn’t function without them, just like I can’t function without the light of God. I prayed that the Lord would show me where my glasses were so I could recover them and see again. Later that day, I found my glasses at the foot of our bed. I promise I had searched the covers and around the floor as well, but I believe God supernaturally placed them there after giving me a great analogy about spiritual vision.

Are you shedding light on your life by spending regularly time in God’s Word? Or do you only occasionally crack the door so light can filter in?

Don’t run around without spiritual sight. You’re missing a much larger canvas that God has painted for you.

“The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple” (Psalm 119:130).

There’s still time to sign up for the Pearls of Promise “Level-Up Women’s Conference, this Saturday at New Day Church in Southlake. Tickets are currently half-price so just click on the link to the Eventbrite site and type in the Promo Code: “LEVELUP.” We hope to see you!

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