The Importance of an Extended Quiet Time

 Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does” (John 5:19).


I remember when I was asked to speak to three women’s luncheons at South Padre Island. It didn’t take long for me to say yes, because the beach is my happy place. For some reason, it is the location where I hear the voice of God the clearest. It is where I find rest. The expanse of the water, beyond what my naked eye can see, waves crashing against the seashore with seagulls squealing overhead, all remind me of the greatness of God.


After I speak to the groups about my faith story this week, I plan to take three days to lay my life before the Lord. I will ask him how to proceed with my writing, my speaking, Pearls of Promise events, church life, volunteer and paid work. Everyone should take extended periods of time to do this.


You may have a plan for your life, but is it God’s plan? Jesus said he only does what he sees his Father doing.

What does the Father want you to do?

We only know that we are in God’s will when we take the time to listen to his instruction.


Almost fifteen years ago, it was at the beach that God told me to make a radical change in my life by quitting my job so I could focus on seminary and my family. He called me to seminary and knew the road ahead would be too demanding for me. I was disobedient, and tried to juggle it all the following year. Trying to balance full-time and church work, mothering two small children and part-time school had unhealthy consequences. God knows best and that is why we must seek his direction.


Jesus loved to be with people. Just read the Gospels. He constantly spoke to crowds and traveled with a dozen close friends. I enjoy groups of people as well and love spending time with my Christian sisters, but Luke 5:16 says, “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”

You can’t hear the voice of God with distractions around you.

You can’t decipher his message with the television blaring.

You won’t receive God’s word for you as you speed past his presence.

texas beach

That’s why I am excited about this week. I look forward to sharing my testimony with many women and praying God will use my personal story to lead someone to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. However, I am also anticipatory about what my heavenly Father will say to me in the days that follow. The timing of this trip to the southern Texas coast couldn’t be more perfect.

Won’t you consider setting aside a period of extended time to meet with God about your life?

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  1. You inspired me this morning. I grew up by the Atlantic Ocean and I would stand by the beach knowing that God was just by the horizon ….i also took three days alone with Him last year. No gadgets. And I read the whole Bible like I would read a good book. Found out that the Bible is the best Romance book and the Author is the Lover of my soul!

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