When God Doesn’t Answer Prayers Right Away

Woman praying with hands together on black background

Do you have a few prayers that are many years old, while immediate answers come for others?

Have you almost given up praying for someone but something keeps you on your knees?

Maybe you’ve prayed for a family member to overcome addiction or for his/her salvation but nothing seems to happen.

Should you keep praying or give up?

I wonder if the parents of the man who was blind since birth ever gave up praying for their son? In John 9, when Jesus’ disciples saw this same sightless man they asked, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus replied, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.”

In our case, we say, “What have I done wrong that God is not answering my prayer?”

We might think, The person I’m praying for must need to repent so God’s freed up to make a change in them.

It’s doubtful that either of these scenarios are correct. Instead, as in the blind man’s case, God may be delaying an answer so he is glorified in the greatest and most impactful way.

After Jesus healed the man using spit and a little mud, the former blind man’s neighbors and others who had witnessed him begging asked, “Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?” Others said, “No, he only looks like him.” But he himself insisted, “I am the man.”

This man could now see and people couldn’t believe their eyes!

If this man had been healed as a small child, would it have glorified God as much?

If this man had not been on the streets year after year, begging, where countless travelers saw him, would the miracle have been so profound?

God’s ways are not our ways, and in our persistent prayers, we must trust His timing.

In the blind man’s case, his healing was not only a witness to the people in the neighborhood and his parents, this supernatural opening of a blind man’s eyes was also a neon sign for some Jewish leaders, the Pharisees. It caught their attention! While they tried to find everything wrong with what Jesus did that day, I wondered if a certain Pharisee, and future believer in Yeshua named Nicodemus was there observing? Perhaps the day the blind man’s eyes were open, his spiritual eyes opened as well? It’s fun to imagine a scenario like this.

God is the ultimate multi-tasker. Like in the sport of bowling, he wants to strike the most pins in one roll. That’s why it sometimes takes a little longer to receive an answer to prayer. There’s still work to be done. There’s a story developing. God’s vat of glory is filling up before it spills over.

So keep praying.

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  1. Lisa, this is so true. I have learned this over my years. But I neded scriptures and teaching such as yours to encourage me to keep praying and trusting God.God did finaly answer and the miracles hapened and He did get glorified. So thank you for this teaching today as I am needing it regarding my daughter Yvonne. ……You are such a Blessing to so many women. May God continue to go before you and clear the path for you and may He continue to anoint you as the power of the Holy Spirit works through you and the people you minister to. Give my regards to your family. Gerry

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