Why Do Kids Do What They Do? by Lori Wildenberg

lori 2014

Today’s guest blogger is Lori Wildenberg. Lori, a mom of four and licensed parent and family educator, is passionate about meeting moms and dads where they are and helping them get where they want to go in their parenting.  Lori and her ministry partner, Becky Danielson, are co-founders of 1 Corinthians 13 Parenting. (http://www.1Corinthians13Parenting.com).Together they have written three parenting books including the just released, Raising Little Kids with Big Love. It can be found on Amazon or B&N . You can connect with Lori on her websites: loriwildenberg.com or 1Corinthians13Parenting.com. She is available for event speaking and individual parent consulting. 

So God created man in his own image.
Genesis 1: 27

So…why do kids act the way they do?

It’s in their DNA.

Think about it. We are all created in God’s image. We are rational, emotional, relational, volitional, and spiritual.

This creates a genuine need for respect (rational);  joy, fun (emotional); love and belonging (relational); freedom (volitional); and spiritual fulfillment (spiritual).

We can observe our children and discover which image element needs tending.


Listen to what your child or young person is saying:

“I’m not a baby…” translation: I’m growing up, I need more responsibility.

“Let’s go to the park…”translation: Let’s have some fun.

“Will you play with me?” translation: I miss you. I need time with you.

“You never let me….” translation: I need some freedom.

“Do we eat in heaven?” translation: I need to know more about God.

What our kids say gives us great insight into their character development and true needs.  Listening to their heart, lets us know how to pray for, parent, train, and interact with our kids.

That’s the thing about parenting, isn’t it? It is fluid so we must pay attention.

And…it is always about love.

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If you are the parent or grandparent of a toddler to eight-year-old and would like to know how to raise your child with the love Jesus shows, “Love is patient, love is kind…” read Raising Little Kids with Big Love. It contains easily applicable ways to live out the attributes of love as described in 1 Corinthians 13.

We don’t just want to get our kids to behave. We want to go beyond that and develop their heart and character.



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