Why I Couldn’t Run for Political Office


After this political campaign I know now, more than ever, that I could never run for political office.

I fear the opposition would go back to my college days and unearth some things I said or did that would not be politically correct. There was a lot of that, and I would not be a worthy candidate.

But today I ask the question, is anyone?

Jesus praying

I’m glad Jesus doesn’t require a pristine past for salvation. In fact, I think the messier it was, the better. He was criticized for hanging out with tax collectors and sinners. If social media had been available at the time, the Pharisees, would have probably tweeted about Jesus’ choice of friends to millions in an effort to sway people their way. Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Last I knew, Jesus rose from the dead so we might have eternal life.

David Playing the Lyre as He Watches His Sheep I Samuel 16:11

When King David built his army while on the run, Scripture says he recruited the misfits. “All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their commander. About four hundred men were with him” (1 Samuel 22:2).

In our day, that would have made headlines. David, fleeing for his life, surrounds himself with undesirables.” Would that prevent us from voting for him?

Last I knew, David became king.


Jesus taught a valuable lesson about condemnation. When a group of angry people were on the verge of hurling stones at a woman caught in adultery, they sought his approval for their action. Jesus stooped down and started to write on the ground. I have always wondered what Jesus’ was writing in the dirt. I imagine Jesus drawing arrows pointing back at the angry mob. But then he straightened up and said, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” One-by-one, the accusers walked away.

Is any candidate without sin in this election? Are the accusers without sin?


God throws all the sins into one bucket. There is not one greater than the other. Lying, cheating, adultery, putting other idols before God, they’re all the same to him. And when one man or woman repents of these things, I believe the angels ring bells in Heaven.

If I ran for office, I’d repent in front of a national audience. I’d be up front about my past. I’d say, “I did some bad stuff back then, but that is not who I am now. I still make mistakes, but I am trying to live a righteous life today, thanks to the transforming power of Jesus.”

Last I knew, I am saved by grace.

If Jesus gives us grace, why is it so difficult to pass it on to others? While some of what is coming out in the presidential race is inexcusable, both candidates are guilty of sin and I’m sure there’s a lot we still don’t know.


Today, let’s learn from the Savior of the world and forgive. Let’s think about our dirty laundry that would be hung out to dry if we ran for political office. After that image settles in, let’s pray for both of the candidates. It’s time to block out the media, ask God for wisdom about who his presidential choice is, then vote. (LBW)

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