Join the Dallas-based Pearls of Promise team, Lisa Burkhardt Worley, Michelle Burden, and Renee Rollins, for our bi-weekly topical show “POP Talk” seen on fourteen television platforms including the Faith Unveiled Network (www.faithunveilednetwork.com reaching 72 million subscribers), Life Network for Women https://www.facebook.com/groups/664417517498429/, CTN Tallahassee, Frankspeech, Abundant TV, Covenant Daughters TV Network, King Television Network (www.kingtelevision.tv), reaching 133 countries, Overcomers TV https://hmsinc.org/overcomerstv/home/, CTF-TV https://www.ctf-tv.com, the Bloom Network, World Trumpet TV, Channel 49-Ft. Worth and also airing on Friday’s at 11:00 a.m. on the Pearls of Promise Facebook page and available on our Pearls of Promise YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZr1r4_PJxyp1HuwvJIXPNw
We interview guests about various topics that have included, “Reaching Your Destiny,” “The Power of Your Thoughts: How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk,” “Do Miracles still Happen?” “How to Live in Constant Peace” and “The Change Challenge.”