Calling on the Name of Jesus by Lisa Mick

            Hello My Name is JesusDo you remember the old hymn that sings “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know?”I remember it very well and love it.  However this past week I realized the message from the song I grew up with is still prevalent in my life today. 

            The name of Jesus has tremendous power. When we choose to speak it over and over, he hears and answers. II Corinthians 10:5b says, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.  This is one of my favorite passages.        

            I was with a dear friend this past week and we were struggling with an issue we seemed to not be able to get over.  It was very tense for both of us and we were feeling the oppression of the enemy.  She started calling on the name of Jesus and I did the same and all of a sudden the oppression was lifted.  We knew we had just witnessed the power of calling on the name of Jesus!  He heard and lifted that sinking feeling we both felt.   Everything else faded into the past.  Yes, my friends, it works!  Calling on the name of Jesus is peaceful and comforting.  Try it!

            Yesterday, the name of Jesus demonstrated its power again when I found myself in a downtown Indianapolis church trying to have my quiet time.  Looking at a prayer book, I settled in and started praying the prayers inside.  All of a sudden there was a man standing right next to me.  He startled me and I became frightened because I realized I was the only one in the church.  The man asked for money and looked at me in a strange way.  He told me the church usually has peanut butter and crackers for people to come in and eat but today, by the time he arrived, they were out.  I told him, “I don’t think I can help you sir but won’t the church give you something else to eat?  We will go find them and ask.” He continued to make a plea for money while edging closer and closer to me so I began to say, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, I need your help please.” Immediately the fear subsided and I told the man to wait outside and I would ask the Lord if he wanted me to help him. He said, “Thank you and you can even take me out to eat miss, because I just need me something to eat.”  He turned around and went outside.

            I was no longer fearful. I prayed and felt like Jesus instructed me to pray with the homeless man and give him some money for food.  So I got up out of the pew and went to the back of the church where he was patiently waiting outside on those steps, just like I asked him too.  I told him he was a blessed man because he still had able body parts to work.  He told me he’s been searching for a job ever since the GM plant he worked at closed last year. I asked him if he knew our Lord and then I asked him if we could pray together.  He said “Yes, mam!” 

            So on the steps of this church in downtown Indianapolis, I called on the sweet name of Jesus over and over and prayed with this man.  It was precious and at that moment, I felt a kindred spirit with him and knew that Jesus was with us. I prayed the Lord would bless him and provide a job for him this week and I told him Jesus was going to see him through this time and give him favor and blessing.  I hope he felt the presence of Jesus like I did.  When I was through praying, I made my new friend promise me he was going to go and get a good meal.  He said he would and I believed him.  Now whether or not he did, I don’t know.  But Jesus knows, and at that moment a homeless man and I were connected by the sweetest name I know, Jesus. 


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