Closed Doors

 Closed door 2            Have you ever prayed for God’s clear direction and asked Him to close the doors if you weren’t supposed to walk through them?

            I am searching for a job for the first time in over ten years and asked the Lord to only open the door to the position I am supposed to take and close all others.

            What I realized is you have to be ready for the consequences of that prayer. It stings when the door slams, uh… I mean… gently closes in your face. It’s humbling when God says no.

            I sometimes get down when there’s no response to a resume or rejection comes.

            Is that how you react when God closes a door in your life?

            My husband responds to my long face with a reminder, “Didn’t you pray for God to close the doors if it’s not what He wants for you?”

            I find myself with a case of “yeah buts” when he says that.  “Yeah, but I thought working at the race track would be really cool.” “Yeah, but I am so qualified for that job.” “Yeah, but they don’t know what I can do!”

            I prayed the same door closing prayer when my son, Kyle, began his job search.  We prayed for God’s clear direction and that Kyle would get a job where the Lord wanted him to work.  He had lots of interest from impressive companies but only received one job offer.  That’s crystal clear.

            When we ask God to close doors, we must trust Him and believe He shuts the doors for a reason and that 

            He has a better plan

            He has a better place or

            He has a different person for you.

            We can’t take the rejection personally because God is in control. Instead, we should praise the Lord for closing the doors. He’s only doing what we asked.

            Proverbs 3:5-6 is a staple passage we should all store in our mind pantry. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

            I want God to be in control of my life, don’t you? It’s not just about a job. I don’t want to walk through any door He has not opened. Only He knows what is best for us and what’s on the other side of that door. When we don’t pray for God to go before us, we enter at our own risk.

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  1. Your image of the misinterpretation of how God closes the door reminded me of my kids response to my corrections. They would accuse me of yelling at them (which I confess I occasionally did so they should know the difference)when all I was doing was speaking firmly with them–often in a deliberately quieter voice. I think that it isn’t always about volume, but how it feels to be told no.

    His control, His wisdom, always the best way to go.

  2. In BSF I taught this basic truth to our5 & 6 th graders. It has stayed in my mind and I would have loved to have learned this truth years ago. It would have helped me understand difficult situations and people. What is that basic truth? The short version is.. The purpose of life is to know, love Him, enjoy Him, and glorify God. I realize the purpose of our lives is not to have a job, a husband, a smooth life, etc. knowing God’s true purpose for my life and all Believers would have made my life more focused on God and less on myself, others, and circumstances. Joining you in prayer for the door God will open so that you will know Him even better than you do now.

    1. Christie, I agree. This search is about where I will grow in Christ. I have also prayed that whatever job comes through, I will still be able to freely serve God through the Pearls ministry.

      1. I am so glad you will be able to continue your Pearls of Promise ministry. You have blessed many through it. I knew I was preaching to the choir, but that basic truth was so meaningful to me and I wanted to share. In the sharing it helps me remember. Love and prayers, Chrissie

  3. I love and look forward to your devotions. Thank you for being transparent, it gives permission to do the same…with people and God. I pray for the job that is perfect for you . God bless you and your family as you knock on doors.

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