D.I.E.T.S. by Karen Hauser

           Diet Ephesians 6:10-18 (NIV) tells us to put on the armor of God. That is a very clear and direct action item from God.  I have read this scripture many times and even taught it to my little ones in Sunday School a few years ago.  To get the message across I brought a toy “God’s Armor” set to class for everyone to try on while I explained each piece.  But, what I failed to connect completely with until recently is God calls us to watch our DIETS (Daily investments equip the servant) too.  I always say everything affects everything.  Question is, will it be positive or negative? 
            That thought led me to realize, we can have on the armor, but if our inside is weak, we are still not equipped to serve. We need to watch our DIETS! The daily investments that Philippians 4:8 talks about:  Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
             We have a choice in everything we do, say or think. God does not make us eat right. The choice is ours. We have quite the banquet to chose from. People, friends, books we read, shows we watch, conversations we participate in. Are they good? Or is it gossip? Positive? Or petty? Will you leave feeling better? Or bothered? 
            You are God’s child and you are needed.  Have you, like me, ever received a call from a friend that needed your comfort, a word of wisdom from God and that friend asked you to pray for them? Comforting was not a problem.  Praying is talking to God.  Got that.  But, the specific promise from God’s word for them to lean on?  Ugh!!  I don’t about you, ,but I have come up short in that area a time or two.  Remember Gods request in Ephesians 6:17: ….and the word of God as the sword which the Spirit gives you. We need to be fit to serve. Fit emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We need to know his word.
            As the Pearls of Promise team and I have  been on the road, we never, and I do mean never, know who, when or how we will be needed. We have ministered to a lady in a shoe store, gas station clerk, and a waitress just to name a few. We have also had the awesome privilege of being ministered to by people who absolutely feed themselves well! Praise God for those opportunities to give and receive! It’s so good to be His. It’s good to know His grace is sufficient! Because I have had to start my diets over and over and, no, not just on Mondays!  I’m thankful. So, very thankful that we are all loved by such an awesome, patient, gracious God!  There are many needs out there.  Daily investments equip the servant.  You could also say it empowers the servant. 
            His word is strong.  His promises are true and He is faithful.  With God, all things are possible.  Take it from someone who has learned the hard but blessed way (Acts 17:28); allow Him to live in you, move in you and have your being! Oh, how the joy rises as we serve His people!! 
            See?  DIETS are not so bad!! Eat well and be blessed!!

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