God and Elvis: A Big Fish Story by Catherine Weiskopf

In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: ‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.’ Matthew 13:14

Hearing God’s voice is like seeing Elvis.  I should know; I saw Elvis on a recent trip to Hawaii.  We were staying in a resort on the big island where a barracuda named Elvis lived.  He traveled the salty canal waters making appearances at various locations, but you had to watch carefully to get a glimpse.  Elvis was large, but quick.  I thought I caught a flash of silver out of the corner of my eye, but I couldn’t be sure it was him.  I wanted a good look; I waited by the canal and watched because I was determined to see the famous fish.  Then I saw a small wave moving out over the otherwise still dark blue, shallow water. It was coming towards me. I waited.  The ripple came closer and closer and ah!  The barracuda!  A ripple on top of the water meant a barracuda underneath.  Now I knew what to look for.  Now I could spot Elvis easily.

When I saw Elvis that day, I had been praying for more awareness of God’s voice.  I realized instantly that seeing Elvis was like hearing God.  I first of all had to want to see Elvis.  To hear God I had to begin my journey with a prayer of intent.

Next I had to stop and patiently watch the canal to catch a view of Elvis.  When I had trouble seeing Elvis I could have run up and down the stream frantically looking for him.  This is sometimes how we try to hear God especially when we have a problem that “needs” an immediate solution.   But having patience meant spending time in silence; it meant not scheming to fix things and it meant not working things out my way.  I had to start giving myself quiet time so God could be heard and then real fixes could happen. 

Finally, to see Elvis, I had to become in tune with the signs of a big fish moving under the water—the ripples on top.  I had to learn how to hear God’s gentle voice.  Elijah (1 Kings 19:9-13) looked for God in big things: an earthquake, a fire, and a storm, but he did not find him until he listened to a gentle whisper.  That is God’s way.  He speaks to us through coincidence, gentle tugs on our hearts, and whispers.

It is true that many people never recognize God’s gentle voice in the midst of our busy lives.  It is also true that many people who stayed at our hotel never saw Elvis. 

Dear God, I know that you’re speaking, but often I don’t hear.  Open my ears, God.  Make me aware of your gentle voice.  Give me the intent, patience and attention to hear your voice.

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