How to Embrace Change by Lisa Burkhardt Worley

Was it supposed to rain today?
As I watch the skies light up outside and listen to the rain pound my back patio, I realize there was a change in the forecast and this definitely jeopardizes my plans to do a little work in the backyard today.

How do you handle change?
Change can be annoying.
It can be intimidating.
Change can be overwhelming.
But if you like adventure, it can also be exciting.

I’m having to think seriously about a possible radical change in my life. When worry tries to set in, I attempt to push back the thoughts. When I can’t sleep, I attempt to drift back into slumber. Most of the time that doesn’t work.

But I’ve found that when change knocks on my door, the best place to take it is to Jesus.
Colossians 2:3 says, “In Christ lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Even though we don’t know how to proceed, Jesus will give us clarity concerning His will for our lives. I have received dreams, have obtained needed information through a non-fiction book I happen to be reading at this time, and counsel from my husband and friends. I feel I am being prepared for something new, but now I have to wait and see if I am correct about this particular change. I have prayed a bold prayer that if this is God’s will, then it will happen, and that will be my green light to proceed.

God does not want us to fear change. If we are full aligned with Him, then change is often used to advance us to a new level spiritually. In a devotion I read today it said our prayer should be, “God, do in me whatever you need to do so that I will exhibit your (spiritual) Fruit.”
So today, are you willing to be open to change even though it does not feel comfortable? If so, that’s part of what it looks like to fully surrender your life to God.