Inner Warrior by Lara Ingram
Picture it. A mom lugging a diaper bag and a baby carseat with a kid and bringing out another toddler to the car. Warrior.
A more mature woman helping nurse her elderly parent. Warrior.
A single woman being a shoulder to cry on for a friend, or an aunt to her nieces and nephews. Warrior.
A retired woman who spends her time volunteering to mentor younger women. Warrior.
A single Mom who has lost her job and discovers her child has a health issue but keeps up the fight. Warrior.
A recent widow stands with her arms raised during worship in front of her kids and grandkids at her husband’s memorial after he suddenly passed from COVID. WARRIOR.
Wonder Woman looks good on the big screen and I’m so glad they gave Linda Carter a cameo appearance in the recently released big screen movie. However, I see real life wonder women everyday as I’m sure you do.
Doctors, Physician Assistants and Nurses come to mind. My family members and friends are warriors serving in the medical field. In the past year, we have collectively grown in appreciation for them and many others. I think about teachers, daycare workers, and counselors. These women help us do our job to raise little humans.
By “warrior” I mean that we are strong, brave, nurturing, passionate, and relentless in our pursuit to care for one another.
What would the world be without women? It wouldn’t survive.
There is no day off. Women care for the family and the elderly as well as for one another. We are the social ones who look in on neighbors, host parties and call on the downtrodden.
There is nothing short of awe-inspiring respect and admiration due women for all that goes on in caring for another human being.
Here’s to all the women out there who are, or have been mothers. To those who may not have biological children, but who have taken on the role of mother to love and care for another. I’m so proud to be on this side of the gene pool and walk among the women warriors.
There is nothing like being a mother and watching a little human grow in personality and develop in physique and speech. The selfless and constant giving and taking care of children is something to be truly admired. I have a brand new appreciation being on this side of womanhood as a mother.
It makes me take note and think back on all the women who were around me in my early years and now as an adult. I would not be who I am or have accomplished all I have done without women at each stage of my life. I have been encouraged, counseled, held, helped, housed, fed, taught and nurtured by women.
I just want you to simply be reminded of how great of an inner warrior you have! We have so much love to give. If you ever feel you are running short or have hit a wall, Jesus is always the fuel.
Even after all these years, I am learning more about what it really means to have Jesus. He lives in us and does for us. “And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. For in him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’” (Acts 17:25–28).
When it feels like we are running on empty or tired of giving, STOP DROP AND LET GO! Haha. Exodus 14:14 says, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Remember this, you are not alone in this world. When the inner warrior needs to be the nurtured, you have that!!!
“For we are God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10)
He’s got you and me! He is not surprised nor can He not handle anything on our plate.
And let us not give up. In his Christmas message at Gateway Church, special guest Max Lucado said, “We are lights to a broken, hurting world. Don’t give up!”
Let’s celebrate together that God gave us such love and compassion to share. Be blessed my fellow Warrior Women.
Rest in Him. Rest precious Warrior.