Respect by Lane Jordan Burday

“…and the wife must respect her husband.” (Ephesians 5:33, NIV)

I love the music from Motown. Anytime I hear it, I’m ready to jump up and sing and dance! One of my favorite songs is R.E.S.P.E.C.T while dancing, all the while thinking that some man better respect me—or else.

Now as a Christian woman, I believe I have a better understanding of what respect means and how God wants me to apply it. Throughout scripture, God calls us to honor Him and to give Him praise. He also called on wives to respect their husbands. In the past, I resented being told to do this. I’m not quite sure why but I have a feeling that the world’s viewpoint on marriage probably rubbed some dirt prints on my thoughts.

But as I read the scriptures, I see that the same honor we love to give God is the same honor He wants us to give to our husbands. Why? Because God created man to need a helpmate who will build him up with words and actions. When we respect our husband, we are saying to him that we trust him and believe in him.

I know there are some of you who are in tough marriages, and you just don’t think you can do this. Then pray and ask God to love and respect your husband through you. It may be a day-to-day battle. But I do believe with all my heart that God will honor your faithfulness.

How do you show respect? Stopping what you are doing and greeting your husband at the door, giving him your full attention whenever he is talking, by not interrupting him or arguing with him when he is trying to get a point across. We respect our husbands when we run errands for them or make a special dinner just for them. When we put him first before all others (after God) and that includes something on our list we want.

A recent survey said that the number one thing a man needs is (drum roll please) respect. I bet that wasn’t the answer you thought it would be! So, if a secular survey finds that men need respect this much, surely we as women of God will put it high on our priority list.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you (Ephesians 4:32, NIV).

Lane Jordan Burday serves as a POP Talk Radio Co-Host, is coordinating a Pearls of Promise 52-Week Devotional, and is our POP Prayer Co-Leader.  Lane Jordan Burday is also an award-winning best-selling author of the 12 Steps to Becoming a More Organized Woman series of books. She is an international speaker, life coach, seminar leader, Bible teacher for 25 years, and an artist. She has served as the Associate Producer for the television program In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley.

Lane’s latest book, Evangeline, is a historical fiction based on the book of Esther. You can reach Lane at:

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