Seven Gifts in Your Easter Basket from Jesus (Part One)

Easter basket

When our children were little, I always created homemade Easter baskets, filled with inexpensive toys, the cutest bunnies I could find, and their favorite candy. It was a delightful gift the boys look forward to on Easter morning. I went to the trouble because I love my sons and wanted them to have custom-made baskets, designed especially for them.

Jesus also gives us a basketful of Easter gifts, thanks to his resurrection and love for us. When he ascended into Heaven, Heaven poured down countless blessings because of his sacrifice. What can we find in our Easter Baskets from Jesus? Here are the first four out of seven gifts his resurrection brought us:

dove peace

1)   The Holy Spirit– Jesus knew we’d have trouble in this world without him physically walking beside us, so he sent a comforter to guide us. In John 14:26 he said, “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” The Comforter is the still small voice that speaks to us when we read the Word of God, or when we have a decision to make, and don’t know where to turn. The Holy Spirit gives us the words when we don’t know what to pray or what to say. He is the third part of the trinity and God’s presence with us on Earth. What a gift!


2)   Supernatural Power– In John 14:12, Jesus said, “Whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” Have you ever prayed over someone who was sick, and they were healed? Have you ever spoken about Jesus in a lunch meeting and the words and boldness seemed to come from beyond? Have you taken a step, even when you felt like you couldn’t take another? You are clothed with Jesus’ supernatural power, another gift of the resurrection.

no god no peace

3)   Peace- In John 14:27, Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” When we believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, we have a peace that passes all understanding, no matter what life throws at us. After the resurrection, all of Jesus’ apostles focused on it because it was an important gift post-Resurrection.  In Acts 10:36, Peter called peace through Jesus Christ “good news.” In Ephesians 2:14 Paul said the blood of Christ brought us near to each other, destroying a dividing wall of hostility between Jews and Gentiles, creating peace in our relations with each other. Peace is obtainable and Peter said we should seek it. Peace is in your basket, but you must open it.

joy graphic

4)   Joy- Jesus says joy, not to be confused with happiness, is ours if we just ask for it in his name. Jesus tells us in John 16:24, “Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” I can remember trudging up the stairs in the second semester of seminary, not sure if I could complete the task because I was tired and school, combined with work and family duties, was draining me. I asked the Lord, “If you want me to complete my seminary degree, please restore my joy.” When I entered the classroom, a supernatural joy whooshed through my body and the cloud over my head disappeared. It was what I needed to continue on the journey, and complete the Master’s Degree. Where do you need joy in your life? It’s already in your basket, but maybe you are not seeing it. If so, just ask Jesus to reveal his peace to you. He wants to bless you by providing this gift.

On Tuesday, we’ll complete our series on “Seven Gifts in your Easter Basket from Jesus.” I am praying you have a Happy Easter, enjoying family and remembering all that Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection brought us.

Thank you, Jesus, for the greatest gift mankind has ever known.

He is Risen 2

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  1. Excellent analogy. Thanks for sharing. As you know, I like to write poems, so here is my Easter poem this year.

    The First Easter

    On Palm Sunday the Jews were jubilant.
    A Savior from Roman tyranny it meant.
    For centuries they had looked eagerly
    For the promised Messiah who would set them free.

    But how quickly human nature can change.
    When expectations aren’t met, people act strange.
    Proud Pharisees wanted Christ out of the way
    So they could control the religion of the day.

    Unfortunately they did a pretty good job
    Of stirring up the Passover holiday mob.
    They demanded that Jesus be crucified
    And felt they had won when they knew that he died.

    Nicodemus and Joseph who secretly believed
    Asked for Christ’s body to bury as they grieved.
    The women who served Jesus saw where he lay
    And prepared to anoint him after Passover day.

    Early Sunday morning women came to the tomb,
    But the stone was moved. He was not in that room.
    The angel said Christ arose and soon they would see
    He’d go before them to Galilee.

    They rushed to tell the eleven, “Christ is alive!”
    The men couldn’t believe until they would arrive
    At the tomb to see that Jesus wasn’t there.
    But they saw the grave clothes and wondered where.

    Mysterious happenings. They huddled in fear.
    In the locked room that night the Lord would appear.
    “It is true. Jesus really arose from the dead.
    Our Master and Savior did just what he said!”

    He appeared to disciples for forty more days
    To various people in several ways.
    His final instructions before he ascended
    Was to see that God’s Kingdom would be extended.

    But they were to wait till the Holy Spirit came,
    Then they’d be empowered to do great things in his name.
    They shared the good news so people could believe,
    An eternal victorious life they’d receive.

    So what does Easter Sunday mean to me?
    God loves me and Jesus died to set me free.
    Free from my self-centered confusing way
    And meaningless toil day after day.

    When I realized what a precious treasure I had,
    I no longer desired to sin or be bad.
    I want to please him in all that I do,
    And want you to know His peace and joy, too.

    Jesus, please help me to understand
    Your ways are better than any I planned.
    You see the future and know what is best.
    Help me trust your timing and not be so stressed.

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