Take a Step Back by Lisa Burkhardt Worley
Sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses.
And admire a peacock perched by the resort pool.
And listen to the tide as it rolls back and forth on the shoreline.
Every once and a while we have to take a step back and allow our brains to coast. No deep thinking about work or school. No deadline pressure. No project juggling.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
As we come out of the pandemic more and more, us Type A’s are back in full swing. Maybe you, like myself, have been pushing yourself so long and so hard that anxiety is the rule rather than the exception. If so, it’s important to disconnect from the world periodically.
Maybe you’re not noticing God’s beautiful creation anymore. No time.
Maybe you’re not paying enough attention to the important people in your life. Too busy.
Perhaps you are not taking care of yourself. Later.
If you’re convicted, then it’s important to take a step back from the demands of an intense schedule and let down a bit. Hey, I even missed writing a blog on Saturday. God never intended for us to run at a super-human pace and overlook all of His delightful creations or to cut our time short with Him. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
We can slow the pace by meditating on the word of God rather than speed reading a Bible passage. In her book, Liv2Day, Dr. Paula McDonald says meditating can improve concentration, reduce anxiety, improve mood, resist gray matter in the brain, and helps treat addiction. McDonald says, “Since God created us, wouldn’t it make sense that He wired our brains to benefit from spending time with Him?”
I unplug best at my happy place, the beach. But maybe a mountain, lake or park work better for you. The key is to slow it down enough to see the beauty around you—and recharge.