The Four Keys to Overcoming Worry in your Life

prize fighter

A prizefighter.

With one swollen eye, that’s what I look like today. No, I didn’t have a date with someone’s fist. Occasionally, I have an allergic reaction in my eyes when I come into close contact with fragrance or certain materials. My resistance is compromised when the stress level is higher.

Did I bring this on?


Yes. I exacerbated the situation by worrying too much about a child going off to college, a pending move and an overload of ministry activities even though I know the Lord will guide me through all of these concerns. My son’s move to college over the weekend, bathed in prayer, went about as smooth as possible. Why did I worry in the first place?

What are you worried about? Is it justified?

If worrying is your tendency, here are four ways to overcome it in your life:


  1. Focus on Today. In Matthew 6:34, Jesus says, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” If you are a planner and a futuristic thinker like myself, this might be difficult to do naturally. It will be more of a discipline to accomplish. When you put together your “to do” lists, don’t focus on the magnitude of all the “to do’s” combined, ask God and yourself “What do I need to accomplish today?” When you finish those projects on your list today, then you will not feel angst about the magnitude of the list as a whole.cross divides
  2. Release Your Burdens to Jesus. Are you over committed? Do you barely have a moment of rest each day? Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Our activities should never cut into our quiet time with God because it is during that intimate time we center ourselves and have more peace for the day. When we are overloaded with stuff, we tend to worry about how we are going to get the stuff done. I am learning that I don’t have to push to do God’s will and I shouldn’t take on any new projects without asking him first. I have come to the point where I am praying the Lord brings opportunities to me rather than my hunting them down.
  3. Trashcan_furniture_iconDiscard the Worried Thoughts. Be aware of your thoughts when you begin to spin into worry. 1 Corinthians 10:4 says to “Demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Is the worry you are experiencing necessary? Does it change the situation? Are you worried about something that may never occur? Researchers at the University of Cincinnati discovered that 85% of what we worry about never happens! That should be enough to prevent us from spiraling downward. When the worried thoughts creep in, speak back to them and pray, “Lord take these unhealthy thoughts away because the odds of them occurring are minimal.
  4. God's planAccept God’s Plan for Your Life. As we all are, Jesus was born to die. Every day we live, we edge closer to Heaven’s gate. Even in the face of death, Jesus admitted his soul was troubled but then said, “What shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!” Jesus did not fall into a worried heap of blubber when he began to think about the cross he had to bear. Instead, he admitted he was troubled but went on with teaching the disciples about sacrificial love by washing their feet. Worrying would have prevented Jesus from finishing his mission on earth but he saw the importance of finishing strong. Worrying also prevents you from accomplishing the tasks God has set for you to complete. Give your worries to him today then move forward in peace.



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