The Importance of Re-centering by Lisa Burkhardt Worley
“Look to the Lord and his strength. Seek His face always” (1 Chronicles 16:11).
“I forgot to pray!” I woke up this morning at 2:30 a.m. in a panic. I was supposed to lift up prayers on Facebook Live at noon yesterday for another organization, and because of a busy schedule, it totally slipped my mind. Today, I am in a different time zone and a blog is due for Pearls of Promise. I am tired and not sure what to write. I’ve written close to 1000 blogs over the past ten years and I can never remember the LORD not providing an idea.
Maybe you understand what it’s like to feel “fried.” Always behind. You can’t see past the brain fog. I believe that’s when we must re-center and ask God “Where am I being disobedient?” “What needs to come off my plate?”
This week I was reading about the inner sanctuary of the Tabernacle and the “Holy of Holies” where God resided. If you wanted to find the LORD, you knew exactly where His presence was. We should also have a “holy” place set aside in our homes where we can enter the presence of God. Some call it the “secret place” but I call it my kitchen table.
Today, however, I am in a hotel suite in Scottsdale, Arizona and I’m sitting at a dimly lit table by the kitchen. (It was as close as I could get to recreating my Holy of Holies). Regardless, it’s the place where I am coming before God because I’m feeling too stretched and want quality in my life, not quantity.
When we need guidance or hope, we need to stop what we are doing and seek His guidance. The LORD will show us how to “re-center.” He will tells us what needs to stay and what needs to go.
Are you feeling overburdened? Energy depleted? It’s time to enter the Holy of Holies and lay your life before God, and be willing to do what He says.