The Missing Wiper Blades by Lisa Burkhardt Worley

“The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

(Psalm 121:7–8, NIV)

My husband Jeff and I were on our way to San Antonio and the windshield was a mess so I asked him to spray some water on it with the windshield wipers. To my surprise the wiper blades were gone! I then remembered going through the carwash earlier that day where I had initially forgotten to turn the wipers off. They were only on for a few seconds, but apparently that was enough for the automated car wash equipment to rip them off.

We made a plan to get new ones once we were in San Antonio but then the worst happened. It started raining—light rain at first—but it eventually poured. We were on a two lane highway near San Marcos, Texas. I was trying to figure out what to do when my husband said, “I can’t see! We have to pull over.” Amazingly, there was an auto parts store staring us in the face once we turned off the highway. However, they did not have any wiper blades that would work.

The auto parts employee steered us to another nearby parts store, Auto Zone, and it was there that we received help. It was not an easy fix because the blades they had in stock were not designed for our car, but three employees worked on the wipers until we they were repaired and we were grateful.

As I look back, I believe God watched over us in that scenario. We had missed our original cutover to IH 35, so we ended up taking the less-traveled road. What if we had been on a major highway—not able to see the road? It could have been a different story. Three Auto Zone employees felt sorry for us and worked on our car in the rain, going above and beyond their job description. I thanked God for his provision and that there are still very good people in the world who have a servant’s heart.

I realized that life will always have problems and scary scenarios, but God often protects us from harm. I pray every day for our family’s protection, and believe the LORD watches over us as we travel to and fro. I personally have had too many close calls on the road. I give God all the credit for helping me to avoid driving mishaps, whether it’s missing someone in my blindspot, or having to suddenly stop on a highway. I have often wondered, How did I avoid that car? Easy, God was there moving them out of the way, just enough, so there was no impact.

What about you? How has God watched over your life?

“…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

(Matthew 28:20)

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