The Most Important Thing a Mother Can Do

Bouncing ball

When I was a little girl, I had a sweet friend who lived across the street. Even though we weren’t always allowed to go to each other’s house, we found ways to play. Sometimes we’d talk and while doing so, we’d roll a ball to each other from one side to the other. It was important to always get the ball from curb-to-curb, because at age six, neither one of us was allowed to go into the street without someone watching us.

One day, what we feared, happened.

The ball didn’t make it to the other side. What should we do?

Should I risk it? Should I quickly run into the street and grab the ball?


There was a car coming but it was way down the road. I had time, so I made the decision to venture into the forbidden land, grab the ball, and go back to my perch on the edge of the curb.

Unfortunately, my grandmother saw the entire thing.

“Lisa!” she shouted angrily. “You could have been hit by that taxi-cab! Now come into the house.”

It wasn’t a taxicab, but for the rest of my childhood, my grandmother talked about the day I was almost hit by a taxicab, when the truth was it seemed like it was a close call. I was safely in my yard, well before the car passed.

I always thought she overreacted, until I became a mother myself. After I gave birth to my two boys, my desire was to protect them. I never let them play near the street, unless I was watching them, because a half-dozen years after the “taxicab” incident, I was hit by a car. I survived, but I knew that one run-in with a car could be fatal.

But now the boys are grown, and it can lead to a helpless feeling.

I can’t watch their every move.

I am not in control of what they do,

but there is one powerful thing I can do.



I can’t protect them, but the Lord can.

I daily pray for God’s protective covering over them.

I pray they will make wise decisions.

I pray that they will draw near to God.

There’s nothing more important than daily praying for our children, even if they are grown.

Praying Scripture over them is powerful.

For Protection:  “Lord, be a refuge for my child, a strong tower against his enemies. Help him/her to take refuge in the shelter of your wings” Psalm 61:3-4.

To Know Christ More Intimately:  “I pray that my child will consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus as Lord. Help them to consider everything not of Christ as garbage, and know the power of your Son’s resurrection” (Philippians 3:7-10).

To Make Wise Decisions: “Please help my child to trust in you, Lord, with all their hearts. Help them to lean on your understanding through study of your Word, not on their own. Please make their paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).


For God’s Light to Shine Through Them: “I pray that your light will shine through my child, and that they will be a witness to others by their words and actions” (Matthew 5:16).

For a Sound Mind: “Father, please guide my children’s thoughts. Renew their minds so they turn away from fear, anxiety, addictions, and sinful behavior” (Romans 12:1-2).

These are a few suggestions, but as you read through the Bible, and come across a verse that speaks to you, stop and pray the verse over yourself, your spouse, and your children.

You don’t have to feel helpless anymore.

You may not be able to hover over your children now, but the Lord has them in his sight. He’s their doting, Heavenly Father, and is just waiting for you to ask him to step in.

Happy Mother’s Day!


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