This Too Shall Pass by Lisa Mick

I really don’t know where all of you are right now in your life, but believe me, I am in the midst of my hormonal fluctuation process.  Actually, I have been dealing with it for about the last five years.  It has been quite a journey and still is.


There is a period of our lives when we all go through this process as women.  God designed it ladies.  It is a part of our journey and we have to persevere even though it is not easy. 


I have been to numerous doctors and specialists through the years and have taken many blood and hormone level tests.  I have spent a lot of time, energy and money trying to get through this time of my life.  There have been countless patches, pills, supplements and creams.  Did they help?  For a little while they did, but then they made me irritable.  A few helped me gain some extra pounds.  It felt like I was on a continuous roller coaster.  I had a lot of twists, turns and ups and downs.  It got to the point that my husband and friends were commenting about the differences they saw in me.  When I realized they saw something different about me and I knew I was feeling very different, a light came on.


So, I am sharing this with you because even through this tough stretch of mine, God has used it.  He used this time to show me, once again, one of the issues that I have struggled with – control.  Wow, that control issue has visited me several times during my lifetime.  I ran to this doctor and to that doctor to find a solution. 


I kept constantly changing doctors and medications, but nothing seemed to work.  I would get frustrated with the hot flashes, anxiety, fatigue, weight gain and irritability, so I constantly switched remedies.  I was desperately trying to fix my situation.


Do you believe that I never turned it completely over to the Lord? Not really ladies.  I would pray a little bit and then take it back. In the past few weeks, I have gained insight into my issue. I needed to accept this period of my life as part of the consequence of being a woman.  I realized that these issues were part of God’s plan for me.  When I decided this, I finally felt peace.  I released control of it by turning over to Him.


I took my patch off.  It took about four to five days, but I am now myself.  Every issue is not resolved but I feel so much better.  I let go and let GOD.  He can handle this part of my life, I can’t.  It took me more than five years to realize this simple truth.


Please learn from my mistake my friends.  Turn this issue over to our Father and let Him guide you to freedom.  You still may suffer physically, but your mind, body and soul will be free from control, and you will have peace.  You will know that He is taking care of this issue on your behalf.  Persevere friends; this too shall pass.

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One Comment

  1. Lisa, the title caught my attention as my Mom told me this many times when I was in the midst of some crisis in my life. And, it is SO TRUE. And, OH, the “letting go and letting God”…..if only, we would. Thanks for your sweet message and trying to save others from going thru life trying to “fix” and carry things they cannot fix or carry.
    Have a good day and see you tomorrow. Sharon

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