Treasure Hunt (Part Three)

Today we conclude our Treasure Hunt through the Bible by answering the question, “What does God treasure?”


My grandmother’s artistic ability was fascinating. Throughout her house were paintings and sculptures she created; the clay sculptures baked in a kiln in her garage. She always hoped I would follow in her footsteps but the closest I came was a toothpick sculpture of an ostrich in junior school.

The one thing I knew is my grandmother’s sculptures were fragile and the treasures needed to be handled with care. No roughhousing around the works of art!

In 2 Corinthians 4:7, Paul discussed a different kind of treasure made of clay. “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.”

jar of clay

The clay jars are a metaphor for our fragile and mortal human bodies. Clay pots at the time this was written referred to cheap, breakable and replaceable pots, most often used for holding garbage and human waste. According to the MacArthur Bible Commentary, “Paul viewed himself as lowly, common, expendable and replaceable.”

Have you ever thought, “I don’t know how I’m going to survive this?” But somehow you do?

“I don’t have the strength to take another step.” But then something kicks in and you walk out the door?

We are fragile, like clay pots, but when filled with God’s strength, we can do the impossible.

What does God treasure?

Look in the mirror and see the easily breakable piece of art that God uses to glorify him.


I recently heard a preacher speak about treasure and he gave a whole new spin to a passage found in Matthew 13:44:

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”

He said, “You can’t hide the Kingdom of Heaven. You can’t sell the kingdom of Heaven and you can’t buy the kingdom of Heaven.” So as he studied this Scripture, he concluded that the man in the passage is Jesus and in his joy he gave up everything he had so we could be his treasured possession forever.

I later found a passage, Hebrews 11:2, that backs up his theory. It says, “For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

Who is God’s Joy?

We are God’s joy.

Who is his treasure?

We are his treasure.


God sacrificed his own son so we would have hope and so we could spend eternity in relationship with him.

Sometimes, we feel more like a piece of junk than a beautiful treasure, don’t we? Living in our fragile, clay pots, the cracks seem to grow deeper and longer. But God’s glory shines into and through the broken places, and we have hope.

God treasures us so much, he gave up his Son’s life for us. And that’s why he’s given us an inheritance in Heaven that Peter says cannot perish, spoil or fade. It’s the true indestructible treasure, and nothing in this world can compare to that. No matter what we endure in the midst of an imperfect environment, we need to hold onto eternal treasure and remember that we are God’s treasure. He has given us life. Eyes to see. Ears to hear. A heart to love. Hands to do work. A brain to think.


Because we are precious to him and he treasures us.


Today, when life’s hammer tries to shatter your clay pot, remember God has you in his hands. He is covering you, his masterpiece, with his love, and no matter how many pieces might fall to the floor, God is the Master Potter. He will gently pick up the potsherds of your life and use them to make an even more beautiful creation than before.

A more priceless treasure.


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    1. Thanks Kandi! Yes, we are loved with an everlasting love. So grateful! Will I see you at the GMS Summit April 28-30?

  1. You bring the visible things in life and compare them so eloquently to our Lord. You are so blessed to have this gift. I pray all the time that when my time comes I am able to do the same type of comparison as you are able to do. Thank you for another beautiful comparison that relates to our daily living. Love e to you always.

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