Trusting the Future by Dr. Lynnette Simm

Do you love someone so much that you think your heart will burst? So much love that there are no words to describe the depth, length, and height you would go for that person? So much love that you wish to shelter them from life’s storms? Could you overcome your selfish instincts to let your loved-one go out into this challenging world without the tether of your protection and care, in the hopes that they flourish in their life’s pursuits?   

Today, I am letting two people I love more than life itself go out into the world. I am giving them to the Lord and trusting the future He has planned for them. I know God knows what He’s doing because He promises to NEVER leave us. Deuteronomy 31:8 says, “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you or forsaken you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.”    

Today, I am trusting that the Lord will watch over my two precious daughters as they embark on their own college adventures. We have packed clothes, hair products, shoes, and bedding. They have room decor, school supplies, and fully loaded meal cards. We gave them phone numbers to the car insurance, health insurance, and we have their roommate’s number, resident hall’s number, and college number.

With little left to do, we are trying to squeeze in one more meal time before we head home. I am thankful for technology, so that I may speak to them often, but I know I must let them communicate on their schedule; when they need help or a kind word. I must let them go so that they can grow into strong women.

Isaiah 41:10 reminds that He is our God. “He will strengthen us, help us, and hold us up with HIS righteous hand.” I will need His hand during this journey of letting go. We have poured our life and love into these two young women. We have carried them, held their fingers as they learned to walk, walked them to their first day of school, and cuddled them during every doctor’s appointment. I know I am not alone.

Thankfully, I have my beloved husband to walk with me during this transitioning time. We are trusting that what we instilled into our girls is enough. We are trusting that they will make good choices. But most of all, we are trusting in the Lord. We trust in Him that no matter what the future holds, we will be okay. We are trusting that His plans are greater than ours. I know God let go of HIS son for me, for us all. So I know He knows what I’m going through. I know I can trust Him with my future and the future of my daughters. 

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