We Can’t Do this Alone by Lisa Burkhardt Worley

My head was spinning after yesterday’s three-hour Hebrew class. It was only the second lecture and I was thinking, I don’t know if I can do this. We were learning about Hebrew vowels and there are a lot of dots, dashes and rules you have to remember. I finally went to bed early with the thought, I’ll get up early and try this again tomorrow.
This experience reinforced that I cannot do this advanced schooling alone. No matter what any of us face we cannot do life alone.
But God must have seen what was ahead and knew I needed a little advance encouragement.

Last week at my first chapel at school, the speaker was the president of The King’s University, Dr. Jon Chastain. He gave a message about Joshua from the Bible and talked a lot about the strength that only come from God. When Moses died, the LORD told Joshua to “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). God knew Joshua would face many battles ahead in the Israelites’ efforts to conquer the Promised Land. Dr. Chastain then called God our “Better Half.” The first point of his message was that God gives us the strength to endure.

I remembered that point this morning, when I was not sure I could endure Hebrew. Then in my Bible reading this morning, Joshua 1:9 came up again, and for the life of me, when I started to write this blog, I couldn’t find it in any of my reading from this morning. It was as if God was supernaturally speaking during my quiet time, saying, You’re not strong enough, Lisa, but I am. I’m your better half.

I am realizing I’ve met my match in Hebrew, but I have a tutor who invented language, and I have to trust He’s going to provide the strength and the aptitude to learn it, because I’m called to do this.

In what aspect of your life do you need God’s strength right now?
Do you feel called to a task that supersedes your ability?
Is there a situation that has overwhelmed you?
Then move forward in faith and ask God to provide what you’re lacking. Well-known pastor Dr. Robert Jeffress defines faithfulness this way: “Consistently following God’s calling for your life and leaving the results to Him.”
We’re not alone.
Join us for our next POP Chat this Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Rosemary Legrand will be speaking about “Pursuing Patience” and Rachelle Fletcher will be our guest Worship Leader. It’s an amazing hour of Prayer, Worship, Teaching and Discussion. Sign up by clicking on the link. https://share.hsforms.com/15bHBupdrTBugXxD9Y8Q_MQ3jo4z