When does God Provide for Us?


I was trembling. While I often get nervous before I speak, this was beyond nervous. I wasn’t sure I could do it. Who was I to teach at a writer’s conference? There were other presenters on the platform who had written anywhere from ten to forty-plus books. I had three published books and had been at it for only two years. What could I tell anyone?

Then I clearly heard the Holy Spirit say, “Get rid of your notes.” That was another thing I was intimidated by. Everyone spoke off the cuff; however, I had typed up copious notes because this message was more technical than spiritual and I had to hit my fill-in-the-blanks.


I argued with God for a minute but then took the longest faith walk I’ve ever taken up to the platform at the conference. All I had in my hand was my handout with each of my points, praying every step of the way.

Then it happened.

I let go and let God.

And when I was not sure where to start, God began to do his work and used me as a vessel to speak through.


Although I don’t think of myself as a funny person, I was funny. Or maybe God was funny because I was in total submission to him. And then he began to provide a consistent message through each of the points. He wanted to tell those attending the conference that He is their provider. If the Lord God calls you to do a work for him, whether it is writing a book, feeding the hungry or teaching a class, he will provide what you need.

“The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it” 1 Thessalonians 5:24.

In my case, when I gave my writing projects to God, he showed me which book was to go first, he provided the words for the three books, and he provided the means to publish the books. He also provided awards to encourage me to keep at it.

All the messages at the conference were timed and I will never forget the five-minute sign. I couldn’t believe I’d talked that long. I still had two more points, or rather, the Lord still had two more points. Then I finished, perfectly on time and perfectly in his will.

The Most Powerful P

As I took my seat, the only thing I regretted was that I didn’t mention the fabulous illustrator for the third book, The Most Powerful P. Kate Green did a great job on the artwork.

But in reality, I didn’t talk about the content of the book at all. This was not about me, or what the books were about. The message was about God and about how he is our provider.

Afterwards, one woman said my presentation was “anointed.” I’ll agree with that because I had absolutely nothing to do with it.

It is difficult to surrender our will to God. It is hard to throw away our detailed plans and let him lead. But he works best going before us.

In Isaiah 45, the Lord tells his anointed, “I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD the God of Israel who summons you by name” (Isaiah 45:2-3).


Now that’s who I want in front of me, don’t you? A God with a supernatural iron cutter who breaks through anything that blocks us. What an image! I want him to cut through:

My ideas for his ideas.

My plans for his plans.

My way for his way.

On Saturday, the God I serve broke through my chains of anxiety and gave me a hidden treasure packaged in a message only he could put together.

He can do that for you if you step aside and let him take the lead. He is faithful to provide.


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One Comment

  1. Thank you Lisa for this powerful reminder that God our Father truly knows what we need. This word was straight from His throne room to me this morning. Once again He has used one of your experiences to keep me on track and focused! Praise the Lord

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