24/7 by Lisa Burkhardt Worley
I am a movie buff, and often, after my brain is fried from the day’s work I ask my husband, “What movie can we watch?”
This week, we checked out a 2017 release, starring Tom Hanks and Emma Watson, called The Circle. It’s about a young woman (Mae) who lands her dream job working for a large tech company (The Circle) run by Hanks (Bailey). However, The Circle has invented a small camera, that placed everywhere, gives the company the ability to monitor the goings and comings of all people. Mae agrees to wear this camera during waking hours and her life and her friends and family’s lives turn into a reality show, with not so good results.
It’s a scary concept, but let’s put a positive spin on this idea of being watched 24/7. It’s actually what God does in our lives. There’s no camera attached to our clothing but the eyes of God are on His children around the clock because, like a doting father He cares about us and does not take a night off. Scripture says “Nothing in all creation is hidden in God’s sight” (Hebrews 4:13).
King David understood the omnipresent God when he penned Psalm 139: “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast” (Psalm 139: 7–10 NIV).
So the good news is you might think you’re alone, but you’re never alone. You might believe no one sees your pain, but God wants to hold your hand through the trials. You could think you’re not loved but out of His love for you, God has a watchful eye on your goings and comings. In Matthew 28:18–20 Jesus promised to be with us always. The Greek translation of “always” is “all the days.” Jesus doesn’t take a vacation. He’s with us every day—all day.
But even though our heavenly Father never leaves us we often act like God is absent and do not acknowledge this gift of His continual presence in our lives. This year, I am being intentional about recognizing His nearness. I am thankful for the tracker he’s placed on me, and from the time I get up to the time I go to sleep, while I often fail, the goal is to please the Father with all my actions and words.
After all, He’s watching.