Brenham Bold
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
Brenham, Texas has been the home of Blue Bell ice cream for over one-hundred years. When I visited the Blue Bell Headquarters, I tried a two-scoop “sample” of a flavor called “Mexican Praline” and I am ready to go back for more.
But Brenham is also the home of a dynamic group of men who are making a difference for Christ. The six-community leaders and pastors meet regularly on Friday’s for Bible study, but over the past year have reached out beyond their little group to the city of Brenham as well. They decided it’s not enough to keep their faith contained in a small group setting, and are using their influence to influence others for Christ through a once-a-month Saturday morning Roaring Lambs Leadership breakfast.
Each month, a speaker, either from Brenham, or outside the area, shares his or her faith story and a gospel message. This past Saturday, I had the privilege to speak at the breakfast meeting, which grew to 53 people, their largest turnout yet. It was encouraging, and unusual to see so many city officials interested in furthering the kingdom.
What if all cities followed Brenham’s lead? What if the Christian leaders in every community took a stand for Christ? This kind of boldness could ignite a nationwide revival.
But you don’t have to be a civic leader to make a difference. God places each of us in positions of influence every time we step out the door. We need to pray for the opportunities to share our faith. We might reach someone at the grocery store, at the gym, or in the workplace. We have to be willing to take a risk and to be bold.
I am a Christian today because a friend shared Christ with me in a high school freshman English class. I often wonder where I would be if she had not ventured out of the boundaries of the classroom environment. Maybe that’s why I am so passionate about sharing my faith. I don’t want anyone to miss out on eternity in Heaven.
1 Peter 3:15 says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” Do you have hope today because someone stepped out of their comfort zone and shared the Gospel with you? If so, what is stopping you from paying it forward?
The Christian leaders of Brenham are setting the example for the rest of us, and God is blessing their response to the Great Commission. Interestingly enough, next month’s speaker is an executive from Blue Bell. I’m sure that will add a special flavor to a breakfast meeting that puts God at the head table.