How to Give Grace

Disconnected. Has a situation ever taken you off the grid? Out of touch? Removed from the mainstream? During our moving stretch, I was only able to do the necessary, and lost contact with many friends, and activities. Before I went through this, I didn’t understand how a move could isolate you. In fact, before my…

The Storm Speaks

KABOOM! The crack of thunder sent me flying out of my chair. I thought, The lightning must have struck something. Annoyed the storm was interrupting my quiet time, my attitude changed when it occurred to me the distraction could have been intentional. We interrupt this quiet time to remind you that God’s presence is near….

He is Faithful By Rosemary Legrand

Today’s blog is provided by our own Pearls of Promise Communications Coordinator, Rosemary Legrand. In addition to handling most of the communications for Pearls of Promise Ministries, Rosemary Legrand is also the Director of Operation for Joy and Company and co-host of The Review with Joy & Company Radio Show. She is a retired airline administrator and has…