Without the Web

No internet. I never realized how much I depend on the World Wide Web. Because of our recent move, we have been disconnected from civilization, and more connected to the inside of boxes. The first couple of days we didn’t even have television, but now we are surviving with 18 basic cable channels until the…

Got Peace?

A full-blown tantrum. That’s what I would like to have right now. A screaming, crying hissy fit that can be heard for miles. But something won’t let me do it. Instead I feel a calm amidst the storm I’m in, and I know it has to be supernatural, because it’s not my nature. Could this…

Temple Guards

They wouldn’t crack a smile. Years ago, we were on a college trip to Europe and made our way to Buckingham Palace. Like silly 20-somethings, we were doing our best to make the guards at the Palace break character, but it wasn’t working. No matter what faces we made, or words we said, the Buckingham…