God is a MultiTasker by Lisa Burkhardt Worley
For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing (2 Corinthians 2:15).
I periodically make the five-hour trek down to my hometown of San Antonio with the intention of keeping the connection alive with friends and family members. I always pray that when I am down here, I will be a representative of the love of Christ to anyone I meet.
I was on television for twelve years as a sportscaster in San Antonio, but it has now been almost twenty-five years since I left local television. People vaguely remember me, or think they know me from somewhere else. I usually don’t offer any details about my past. I just want them to remember that I was kind and that I am a servant of Christ. I handed out my card to at least one restaurant server and one store employee, inviting them to visit our POP blog. While I was here in San Antonio for a visit with people I know, God used me in the lives of people I do not know. He is a multitasker.
This week I was reading about the ten plagues prior to the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt. Through the plagues God was not only showing His power and glory to the Israelites, He was also trying to reach the Egyptians. In Exodus 9, before He sent a devastating hailstorm to the land, God warned the people to bring their livestock and servants into shelter and said, “Any person or animal left outside will die when the hail falls.” Scripture says some of Pharaoh’s officials were afraid and quickly brought their servants and livestock in, but those who paid no attention to the word of the LORD left theirs out in the open and later found that was a bad decision. God was clearly sending a message to both the Israelites and the Egyptians—and some believed Him.
Not everyone will believe in Jesus either but we still have to do our part to be the fragrance of Christ wherever we go. It is important to remember that people are always watching to see how we act. Are we kind and loving? Do we treat people well? Do we live in light of eternity? God is a multitasker. We are His representatives wherever we go and we may have no idea who we have impacted until we see them again in eternity.