Holy “Aha” by Lisa Burkhardt Worley

God often provides pieces of information about our future but most of the time does not give us the entire picture. It would be so much easier if he would but there is a purpose behind the partial disclosure.

When reading 1 Samuel 16 this week about Samuel anointing David to be the next King of Israel, I had this thought, Why didn’t God simply tell Samuel that Jesse’s son, David, would be the next king? It would have been so much easier for Samuel, as well as for Jesse and his family. Instead, on the way to the anointing, Samuel battled with the unknown. He was fearful about the outgoing King Saul’s retribution once he found out a new king was anointed. He also had no clue which son of Jesse would be the next ruler of Israel. He just knew that God would give him a holy whisper when the one to be anointed entered the room.

I believe that if the LORD provided every detail of our future, it would take the fun out of the journey. He wants to give us just enough information to move forward, but desires for us to lean on Him and trust Him for his provision along the way. When we finally see it all come together, it makes more of an impact and we are amazed at God’s work through us. Then He receives all the glory.

Samuel had just enough information to get him to Jesse’s house, and before any new leader was unveiled, Samuel, Jesse, and his sons sacrificed to the LORD and spent time in His presence. God made it increasingly clear that this choice was His, not man’s.

After the sacrifice, Jesse paraded all of his sons in front of Samuel, but it was the least likely, the youngest son, David, who was anointed to be Israel’s next king. Samuel had been told to not look at the boys’ outward appearance because it was the heart that was important to God. So when Samuel saw David, I believe God took the scales off his eyes, and it was a holy “aha” moment. Everything came together. The hazy landscape became clear, and I believe a sense of peace flooded Samuel’s soul.

So remember the ancient prophet and judge, Samuel, the next time you have questions about a scenario in your own life. Samuel was a judge of Israel and still did not have all the answers, but like Samuel, it’s important to move forward anyway. As you take steps of faith, the LORD will begin to bring more clarity to your situation.

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