Leveled-Up by Lisa Burkhardt Worley

“So my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless” (1 Corinthians 15:58, NLT).

Sixty Folders.

That’s the answer I heard in my spirit when I asked, “How many folders should I purchase for the Level-Up Conference?” Sixty seemed like a lot since we were only a few weeks out from our event and our numbers were hovering in the twenties. However, I trusted the voice and obediently bought sixty folders. When our registrations approached sixty, I was tempted to buy another ten just to be sure we had enough, but once again I trusted the Holy Spirit. He said sixty women would come to be refreshed and encouraged so I needed to believe that’s what we would have.

So we set up sixty seats at our venue, Northview Baptist Church, and on the day of the conference, my heart felt great joy when I scanned the sanctuary and saw almost every seat filled. God knew, in advance, how many would attend and He blessed this conference, that had been bathed in prayer.

Today, as I reflect on Level-Up, I want to provide some thank yous and a short synopsis of what happened on Saturday.

Thank you Sandy Storm for showing us that even the worst of situations can be redeemed, as you shared about your rescue from human trafficking.

Thank you Dr. Lynnette Simm for teaching us that while people may let us down, we can always trust God.

Thank you Rosemary Legrand for a powerful time of healing prayer.

Thank you Rebecca Carrell for showing us that things may not get better in the world but God can help us endure and have joy as we maneuver through life.

Thank you Elizabeth Settle for reminding us that we are never alone—Jesus is always with us.

Thank you Gina Wright for encouraging those who have been through painful divorces and rejection, that God will lead them through it.

Thank you Alexis Arellano for telling it like it is and not being afraid to share truth.

Thank you Renee Rollins for stepping in at the last minute and ushering in a powerful worship experience.

Thank you Katherine Legg for providing those beautiful moments of peace through your flute playing as we reflected on what we’ve heard.

Thank you Aurora Ortega Geis for your wisdom and powerful transitions in your role as emcee.

Thank you Andrea Gibson for welcoming us into your church and making the planning so easy.

Thank you Prayer Team and Volunteers for serving. We could not do this without you.

Most importantly, thank you LORD. You are the one that brought all this together. We do it for you and to provide women the hope only you can offer.

In the process of putting the conference together, I was often discouraged and thought, I am not sure I want to do this again. COVID impacted our numbers. We lost a speaker after her husband succumbed to COVID and we lost our original Worship Leader who fell ill, two days before Level-Up. But after seeing the hand of God the day of this event—how He leveled this event up—I believe Level-Up 2022 will happen. He’s already downloaded many of the details. Level-Up Faith, Level-Up your Future, and Level-down Fears. See you all at our 2022 Level-Up event. Don’t miss out on the blessing!


Our online POP Chat is back in October! We want to invite you to our POP Chat on Wednesday, October 27th from 6:30-7:30 on Zoom. Aurora Ortega Geis will be speaking on “33 Days in the Valley.” We will have worship, a message, prayer and discussion. Join the entire POP Team for this powerful get-together. Email: info@pearlsofpromiseministries.com for details.

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