You’re Not Forgotten by Lisa Burkhardt Worley
I was in the midst of my quiet time and I heard a loud thump like something hit the house. I yelled up to my husband working upstairs, “Did you hear that?” I did not find out what it was until later that morning when I saw a beautiful, yet lifeless Goldfinch on my back patio. That’s when I figured out what the loud noise was. This sweet bird had apparently flown at full speed into one of our windows and it was enough to do him in. It made me sad to see him lying there, but that’s when I felt like I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit say, I knew when he fell to the ground.
I thought of the verse in Matthew 10:29 that says every time a single sparrow falls to the ground our heavenly Father is aware. And that passage goes on to say, “And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows” (Matthew 10:30–31).
With all the isolation and fear still going on because of COVID, it’s easy to feel forgotten—like God doesn’t see us in the midst of this Pandemic, but that thought process is incorrect. He knows every intricate detail of our lives and when times get hard, it’s not because he’s abandoned us. He is with us and is still the provider of hope and encouragement.
This week I was reading in Acts 23. The Apostle Paul had gone to Jerusalem where he had been arrested, beaten and where many wanted him dead. Paul probably didn’t know for sure if he’d make it out of Jerusalem alive, but he never thought God was not with him. In fact, he received divine encouragement from the Lord who personally came to Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so must you testify in Rome.” God spoke a word of hope into Paul just when he needed it, saying Jerusalem is not your final stop. Later, as a prisoner on a boat headed to Rome, God reminded Paul that he would appear before the Emperor. God knew that the boat they were on would shipwreck the very next day, so he breathed hope into Paul in advance so he could encourage others in the midst of fear.
And he can do that for us.
This Pandemic is now hovering very close to home. I personally know many people who have been stricken with COVID-19 and have been extremely sick. One friend almost died. My sister-in-law’s boyfriend in Florida has had an intense struggle with COVID and is still fighting to turn the corner. But my guess is that God found a way to encourage each of them while they fought off a wicked virus. He does it through the prayers of friends. My sister-in-law, in quarantine, told us their friends have been there for them, delivering food daily. It could also come in the form of an encouraging note or text from others. He can provide the pick-me-up himself through a Bible passage or by speaking to you directly, as he did Paul,
Many times, in the thick of this Pandemic stretch, I have asked for encouragement because I am an intercessor and have prayed intensely for many who are ill with the disease. At times the weight of those prayers can feel heavy. Our quality of life has been dramatically changed—we don’t go and do like we used to—and I find the masks suffocating. But the LORD always provides someone or something to build me back up.
Are you struggling to keep your head above water?
Please know you are not forgotten. Your Abba Daddy just wants you to tap Him on the shoulder and ask Him for encouragement. He’s in the business of meeting needs and giving hope.