Mind Markers

As I worked through my Bible study this week, I was reminded of how important it is to periodically remember what the Lord has done for us throughout our lives.

I refer to them as “mind markers.”

In the Old Testament, when one of the patriarchs had a close encounter with Yahweh, they’d build an altar or name the spot of the divine meeting to recognize the Lord’s presence with them and to let others witness where the Almighty had appeared.

After Jacob wrestled with the Angel of the Lord all night to receive a blessing, he called the place Peniel,saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.”

We can also build altars in our minds when we experience God’s presence!

These markers are a place to rewind back to when we struggle and our faith begins to dip. While the Lord seems distant during the winter seasons of our lives, we make it through the cold spells by recalling a different time when the warmth of the Lord was so close, we could almost touch Him!  Do you recall a time or a stretch of time when you felt God’s intervention in your life? You need to mark it in your mind!

We should also share our mind markers with others to encourage them.  In Psalm 78, the Israelites were commanded to speak about the “praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.” By doing this, generation after generation would know God, put their trust in Him and would not forget his deeds and keep his commands.

What has the Lord done for you over your lifetime? Your mind marker stories may be what someone needs to hear about to build their faith.

This week I challenge you to think about all the good God has done in your life; remember back to the times that you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt the Lord had touched you, then mark those memories in your mind for a rainy day.

Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced. 1 Chronicles 16:12

Lisa Burkhardt Worley



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  1. Remembering what God has done in the past is always a big faith booster. I write the date with a brief note in my Bible next to the passage God spoke to me/worked through so I will remember. It has fortified my faith each time I have gone back and read my notes.

    1. Wow! That is a great idea for all of us to do, Bethany! I love the idea of writing a note in the Bible next to a verse that God uses in my life. Beautiful!

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