Even though something might be true, do you sometimes hate to hear it about yourself?
I don’t know whether it’s because I’m post menopausal or not, but lately, every time I tell someone I used to be a sportscaster, their reaction is always the same.
“You must have been one of the first.”
“What was it like back then?”
“You are a true pioneer.”
I am going to confess that I am sensitive about my age so when I’m described as a “pioneer,” my insecurity level rises. Thoughts run through my head like Why don’t they think I could still be on the air? Do I look that old? Lisa, face it. You are old.
I then ask myself, Should I even share that part of my life anymore? Maybe it just belongs in a history book.
While being labeled a “pioneer” is a relatively new phenomenon for me, I am in good company.
In Hebrews 12, Jesus is described as a pioneer: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” (Hebrews 12:1-2)
I wonder if Jesus liked being called a pioneer? He was only 33 years old when his ministry on Earth ended. Pretty young to be described that way.
However, in the Greek, the word “pioneer” is more flattering. It also means “author,” “originator,” “founder,” “leader,” or “ruler.” When you use those descriptions, being a pioneer is not so bad.
I am thankful for Jesus, because as a pioneer he blazed a trail for us to walk in. He explained how we should live a godly life. That’s the perfecting part. He had to die and be resurrected so we could experience eternal life one day.
Jesus had to go first and he was the pioneer. Revelation 22:13 says he was the first, the very beginning, and he’s OK with it.
I guess if I want to be like Jesus, I need to embrace pioneer status. Instead of being down about looking the part, I need to realize someone had to start things off so that others could have the same opportunities. I have to understand it was my calling at one time, and is a major part of my own personal faith story, designed by someone called “the ancient of days.”
I wonder how God feels about being called “ancient?”
If the road behind you is stretching out longer than the road ahead, your experience, both good and bad is valuable. Instead of worrying about how old you’re getting, think about the wealth of information you can share to help someone else. You’ve carved a trail for someone to walk in, or in some cases to avoid. Tell them. Warn them. Be Jesus to them.
When you look at it that way, maybe being a pioneer won’t be so bad. (LBW)
Love your PEARLS OF PROMISE today. Made me think about “aging” in a more positive way ! ! !