Unfailing Love by Lisa Burkhardt Worley
This is a best of blog written in 2018. We felt it might be appropriate to re-publish it for Valentine’s Day.
Unfailing Love
When I read a passage from the Bible, I always ask the Holy Spirit to bring it to life.
What are you saying to me Lord?
Over the weekend, I was meditating on Psalm 107. On the surface this Psalm seems to be about the Israelites’ exodus from slavery in Egypt, but as I dug deeper, I realized the passage is also about our own redemption, thanks to a God who cared enough to rescue us from our own perils, and ultimately, eternal death.
The cord that runs through Psalm 107 is about God’s unfailing love toward us when we cry out to Him for help. Because of His love, he “stills our life storms to a whisper” and hushes the waves that threaten to overtake us. He often lifts us out of distress and affliction, restoring our lives.
Only a loving God cares enough to do that.
How has he rescued you?
I recommend that you read and spend some time in Psalm 107 yourself, but the following poem/song is my personal reflection on this Psalm.
“Unfailing Love” by Lisa Burkhardt Worley
I wandered far too long,
searching for unfailing love.
No one could fill that void
In my heart, but one above.
I cried out many times,
Needing the cure for loneliness.
When things didn’t satisfy,
In them I got no rest.
Unfailing love. Deliver me.
Unfailing love. Please rescue me.
Your love breaks down my bars of iron
Unfailing love, consume me.
I was a fool and rebelled against the one,
Who never took his eyes off of me.
I sat in my darkness like a prisoner in the cell,
Until I called His name to set me free.
All it took was a word to my God.
To calm the waves and pull me from the grave.
He turned my desert into water, and my night into day,
From the gates of death, an eleventh hour save.
Unfailing love. Deliver me.
Unfailing love. Please rescue me.
Your love breaks down my bars of iron
Unfailing love, consume me.