What Do You Do When You are Forced to Change? By Dr. Lynnette Simm

Many years ago, a dear friend of mine was working on his doctorate degree in Theology. Unexpectedly, he was let go of his job and wasn’t able to finish his dissertation. He got a job to support his family at Walmart and struggled emotionally with what happened. He had such great plans—plans to build the church he worked for, to reach out into the community more, and to bring a new energy into a small town church.

At the time, he was angry. Why would they just let him go? Why didn’t they see his plans were for good? Why did they want to remain stagnant? So much happened to that little church in the next two years. There were so many changes that people left the church and new faces came. My friend and I talked about why they let him go, because they were afraid of change, and then they were forced to change anyway.

God loves to force change.

He loves to direct us into His lighted path for us. A divine interruption, I have heard it called. An interruption to our plans allows for His plans for us to become clear. He lights our path toward Him and toward our divine destiny. 

At times we are baffled, angry, or sad about the change but as time passes and our focus is cleared, we see His divine work in our lives. What a blessing it was for my friend! He was taken to a new state and new church to guide a small, college community. He works with those who have been coming to the church for decades and then welcomes the college community each fall. I just talked to him the other week and he was laughing at me—telling me now it was my turn to feel the divine interruption of seminary school. When God has a plan for you, He opens every door and lights your path. 

As Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet, a light on my path.” God knows where we are going and He promises to be with us and light the way. Always.

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