Without the Web

world wide web

No internet.

I never realized how much I depend on the World Wide Web.


Because of our recent move, we have been disconnected from civilization, and more connected to the inside of boxes.

The first couple of days we didn’t even have television, but now we are surviving with 18 basic cable channels until the cable company comes out to install a more comprehensive television package, as well as wireless internet.

This Pearls of Promise blog comes to you courtesy of “hot spotting” from my phone.

Before you think I am addicted to media, I want to say a positive word about the internet, because through it, God will fulfill Matthew 24:14.

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

Jesus Hand

I happen to believe Jesus’ return is near, perhaps in the next 25-30 years, because of the internet. It is the vehicle by which everyone in the whole world will hear the gospel.

According to National Public Radio, 4.4 billion people still do not have access to the internet, but NPR says Silicon Valley giants and others are “pushing to devise novel new ways of expanding access to the Internet — and their products — to the remotest corners of the world.”

Bible 2

It’s just a matter of time before the Gospel reaches every people group.

Unfortunately, the enemy of our souls counters the truth on the internet with vile and sensual material. It is just like the evil one to tempt humankind with the antithesis of the truth.

But truth will prevail.

And when it does, it will be time to lay the palm branches down, as the web makes way for Jesus’ return, because Scripture prophesies it, and it will be the greatest of all evangelical tools.

How are you using the internet?

Is it a vehicle for spiritual growth?


Are you sharing inspirational messages with friends who need encouragement?

I’ll admit it.

I miss the web.

Because I see it as the most effective way this gal from Texas can reach the world for Christ.

What a glorious day that will be when everyone will have an opportunity to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Then it will be time to look up, because the Lord, in his splendor, will make his triumphant return.

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