Don’t Despise Closed Doors by Lisa Burkhardt Worley
Intercessors from all over the country are in Washington, D.C. today as a part of a national and global day of prayer and repentance called “The Return.” While I wanted to be there in person, because of schedule, I was unable to, and will have to watch and pray online like many others.
However, last night I was invited to a prayer group that was lifting this day up in advance. I saw it as a “divine appointment.” I had to be in the right place at the right time to run into one of the members of this group who invited me. I was excited about going because, in light of the strife in our country right now, I saw the importance of praying a shield of protection around these prayer warriors who are gathering in our nation’s capital. I also know there is power in numbers. “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew 18:20).
So I attended, and although it’s often awkward when you’re the new kid on the block, I enjoyed joining these women in prayer, and made some “God” connections. Afterwards, I handed my card to the leader to be included in future meetings. That’s when I was told the group was already at capacity and there was no room for new members. I wondered, Why was I invited in the first place?
Then the old wounds of childhood crept in, the days when I was the poor girl in school and was left out of some of the fun group events because of it.
I was down even though I knew I really did not have time in my schedule for one more thing. I was already a part of several other prayer groups. A Friday night group took away from time with my husband. Hadn’t I prayed for God to close the doors that I was not supposed to walk through? Closing doors don’t always feel good as they hit you on your way out.
This morning I was reading in Matthew 2. The wise men had just visited Jesus, worshipped him, and had showered him with gifts. It was a beautiful scene. But it was right after this moment of glory that the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to pack up the family and flee to Egypt. The king, Herod, was on a rampage and wanted to kill Jesus. The door of Bethlehem was closing quickly and Jesus and his family needed to get out—fast—to protect Jesus’ life. As hard as it was, God knew what was best, and aren’t we glad Joseph listened?
When God closes a door, we have to trust that He knows what’s ahead. Instead of letting pride get in the way, we need to thank Him for closing the door even though we don’t understand. This morning, even though my feelings are still a little hurt, I am thanking Him and not despising this closed door. He’s showing me that this was a one-time event and was not about me. Instead, it was about praying with a body of believers for a hedge of protection around a major prayer event today, as many members of this nation attempt to return to a place of right standing with the Lord.
Sometimes doors are only open for a short time. What door is closing in your life? Even if it’s difficult, be willing to follow God’s lead.
Join us this Wednesday, September 30th at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom for our next POP Chat where our guest speaker will be KCBI Radio Morning Show Host, Author, and Popular Speaker, Rebecca Carrell who will be speaking about “We Become What We Behold.” Our Worship will be led by Author and Radio Show Host, Donna Renay Patrick. It will be a great time of Worship, Teaching and Discussion. Click on the link to sign up!