Giants or Potential? By Lisa Burkhardt Worley
If you are faced with a new calling on your life, do you see the giants, or do you see the potential?
When exploring the Promised Land, Moses sent twelve men, representing each tribe of Israel to scout out this new territory. While they acknowledged that it was a land flowing with milk and honey, they focused on the bad. They said “But the people living there are powerful, and their towns are large and fortified. We even saw giants there, the descendants of Anak!” (Numbers 13:18, NLT). Caleb and Joshua were the only ones in the group who believed they could conquer the land, but it was not enough. The rest of the group spread negativity throughout the camp, so much so, the Israelites wanted to stone Caleb and Joshua. This no-can-do attitude made God very unhappy. Because of their lack of faith, the Israelites wandered another 40 years in the wilderness, and the naysayers—except for Joshua and Caleb—all passed away.
Here’s the issue. God clearly told the Israelites that this land was theirs, and they did not trust Him to provide whatever help was needed to conquer the land. They focused on the giants rather than the potential.
What calling has God placed on your life? What giants are you facing today? Are they trying to overpower you? Do you want to run and hide rather than move forward in your calling?
With a broadcasting convention on the horizon, schoolwork needing to be completed, and a possible documentary looming, I could view these as giants. Add some unexpected life happenings on top of this, and I will admit that sometimes I feel overwhelmed. However, what I have learned to do is to diligently plow through the work daily. I give my day to the LORD in the morning and ask Him for his guidance. When I feel like I cannot take a step forward, I claim my life verse: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13, NKJV). Then when I look back at everything that was accomplished, I am always amazed and I give God the glory, because in my own flesh I could not have finished the work.
We do not have to face the giants alone. We should ask God to help us focus on the potential, and lead us with His strength to our own personal Promised Land.
Lisa, your blogs are always the absolute BEST! Your messages not only deliver an arsenal of love for our Heavenly Father but thoughts of limitless positivity to live by. I apologize for not commenting on them as I should on each & every one, but I read them all. I am usually somewhere in the middle of something when I hastily check my phone…when I need to think of what I want to say in a comment and time does not allow me to do so. I will do better my sweet friend. You are phenomenal in every endeavor you pursue and I have taken your messages to heart…each and every one! Thank you so much for all you do for so many. You are truly an inspiration to me. So glad our paths crossed many years ago. Sending you love & blessings sweet friend!
Thank you Sharon, and I know we need to get you on the television show!