How to Protect Your Peace by Lisa Burkhardt Worley

Our refrigerator has chosen this time of isolation to break down. The repairman, considered “essential” has been out several times to fix it, but it seems like the moment he leaves, the loud, irritating sound starts up again. And on top of it all, it’s near the kitchen table, where I spend time with God and write. The fridge is threatening to steal my peace!

But when something that we cannot control, like a noisy refrigerator, or something much bigger like COVID-19 tries to steal our peace, we have to deploy a new strategy. We must be intentional about regaining our peace. 

This past week, I was reading Philippians 4:6–7 that says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

The Greek word for “guard” here is a military term that means “To prevent a hostile invasion.” Anxiety and fear are not of God.  In Judges 6:24, Gideon refers to God as “Yahweh Shalom.” He is the God of peace. So when something tries to steal our peace, it is a hostile invasion from the enemy of our souls, and is not of God. We have to be intentional by calling forth God’s Holy reinforcements to protect our hearts through prayer.

There is no doubt this Pandemic is unsettling. When I went to the grocery store this week, about half of the shoppers were wearing masks. One man had a gas mask on. Not wearing a mask, I found myself getting anxious as I hurried down the food aisles. But then I stopped and prayed, “Lord, guard my heart. These feelings are not of you.” Once I prayed, the heavenly army came to my rescue.

Are you letting COVID-19 steal your peace? If so, it’s time to admit you need help. Drop to your knees and ask God to send in His heavenly troops. Then there will be no coup and the peace of God that “passes all understanding” will continue to reign in your heart.

As for my refrigerator, until we get it fixed, I’ve moved into my office. It might need a little cleaning, but is not as noisy there and I’ve found that the Holy Spirit can speak in another room as well as He speaks at my kitchen table. It all goes back to being intentional to maintain peace. Will you ask God to stand guard over your heart today?

“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life” (Proverb 4:23).

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