Poetry by Brian E. Wakeman

Today’s guest blogger is British poet Brian E. Wakeman.  Brian is the author of Knowing Through Poetic Reflection, available on amazon.com. Brian, lives in Brighton,UK where he spent a career in education as a Religious Education instructor and leader in the secondary schools. Now in semi retirement, Brian is a trainer and mentor in adult education, a research mentor at OCMS, Oxford and runs an art group for adults with outreach/mission emphasis in Dunstable, UK.  Brian, a husband, father and grandparent, enjoys applying faith to everyday working life through his poetry and his watercolor paintings. Look for Brian on Facebook, Linked-In and at: http://bwakeman.wordpress.com


A prayer written by request for a breast cancer patient



I’m praying this morning

For release from anxiety, protection

Protection from panic

And the paralysis of fear:

The renewing of my mind

In my anger and

The darkness of depression;

And for the practice

Of ‘Thanks-living’

For all the blessings

In spite of everything.


Help me to focus

On priorities,

Take joy in the familiar

And in serving others,

Express my love,

Think more of You,

To escape the

Tyranny of the ‘I’.


The Capable Woman. Proverbs 31.

Written tongue in cheek…


She gets up at six in the morning,

Jogs before light is dawning.

After no more than five miles

She showers, and greets with smiles

Her husband with breakfast in bed.

By 7.30 her three children are fed.

By 8.30, she’s rushed the school run.

Now her life has really begun.

Kissing her partner goodbye

She to the office must fly

To her definitely demanding job:

As banker or a scholar

To earn an extra dollar

Arriving home harassed and late

She microwaves food on a plate.

Then after kids’ homework is complete

They have ‘quality time’ as a treat.

Then jaded, at her most alluring

Her love life is just ‘enduring’.

And, oh by the way, just to say

She forgot her quiet time today!


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