Pouring Your Heart Out by Dr. Lynnette Simm

Yesterday, at Pearls of Promise Ministries we were talking about our hearts. What it means to have a pure and clean heart, and what it means to pour out your heart. So much of my time recently as been spent examining my heart.

This time of isolation has really allowed me to reflect on my relationships. I have journaled and blogged about my relationship with God, my husband, my girls, my parents and with my siblings. I have had the chance to love on my niece and my nephew-in-law from afar, as they welcomed into the family the first child of the next generation. And, I have spent countless hours of blessed, quality time via phone calls and zoom calls with my friends. I have loved every minute! 

Pouring out your heart starts with love, and communication is the key foundation to every relationship so I have been in extrovert heaven. I must admit I have missed hugs and there are some family and friends whom I just can’t squeeze in person—yes, you Baby Russell! 

Thankfully, this time allowed me to pour my heart out to the Lord daily and sometimes well into the night. I have cried out to Him for myself, my family, friends, our country and our leaders, for our neighbors in all the countries around the world. What a time to pour out of hearts. Psalm 62:8 says, “Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts for Him, for God is our refuge.”

In Him, I have found my refuge, my strength during this time and I am blessed to have deepened many of my relationships. There are so many of you who are struggling. Jobs lost or overworked, moving, families separated, death of loved ones, and even celebrations, births, or graduations diminished or put on hold because of this time. Yet there has been so much love too. 

When we get through it all, I pray that we pour out our hearts even more. I pray that marriages become strengthened, family bonds grow stronger, and the things we truly care about stay our number one priorities. Our Faith. Our Families and One Another. These are the places where YOU need to continue pouring your heart out. 

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