Sisterhood by Lisa Burkhardt Worley
From about eight years of age into adulthood, I lived with my mom who didn’t converse much, so I was left alone with my thoughts a lot. I always wondered what it would be like to live in a household with a large family. You would have built-in playmates, and a sister or two with whom you could share your deepest secrets. But God supplies all our needs (Phil 4:19), and I’ve watched Him place “sister-like friends” in my life over the years. Some for a season. Others ‘til death do us part.
Last night we held a Pearls of Promise team Shabbat dinner at our house, and as I looked around at our diverse team I thought, This must be what a large family is like. There was a lot of conversation about an array of subjects, and at times, several conversations going on at once! Not being used to this, I would sit back and observe (and marvel) at how God brought this group together. I also realized how much I care for these women who have volunteered to serve Pearls of Promise—our largest team to date.
I love these women, and we are called to love those the LORD has placed in our lives. 1 John 4:7 says, “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” God invented the emotion of love, so that He could pour out His love through us to others. Here is a disclaimer. None of us sitting at the dinner last night are perfect. I have my quirks, as do they, but we love each other unconditionally, are accountable to each other, and see each other’s hearts and giftedness. That is what makes a great team.
What about you? What friends has God placed in your life during this season? Are you loving them as God loves you? Like beautiful pearls, do you appreciate their uniqueness?
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (John 15:12-13).
Join the Pearls of Promise Team for our annual Level-Up Women’s Conference! Time is running out to get an Early-Bird Ticket. The deadline is September 30th. Guest speakers are Best-selling Author Tracey Mitchell and Gateway Church Pastor, Brittney Nelson. This year we are “Leveling-Up our Confidence, “Leveling-Up Compassion,” and “Leveling-Down Comparison.” Take advantage of the Early-Bird special before it expires September 30. Here’s the link to sign up on Eventbrite: