Victory by Sherry Stahl


Our Pearls of Promise guest blogger today is author and speaker Sherry Stahl. 

Sherry is an International Speaker Certified with the John Maxwell Team, author of Water In The Desert & the Soul H2O Devotional taken, from her refreshing blog. She’s a fun, passionate Bible teacher whose desire is to lead others to the life-giving Water in the Word!  Her weekly Soul H2O devotions bring refreshment to the soul.  She’s the VP of Operations for Women In Music & Media (WIMM Canada) and Canadian Ambassador for Christian Women In Media Association (CWIMA).  Sherry’s a race car enthusiast, happily married to her artist hubby Todd Stahl, author of 40 Days In The Man Cave. Todd & Sherry are co-founders of TAKE THE 40 DAY CHALLENGE.  A program to enhance or help build the habit of personal daily devotions; for Individuals and Churches.

Together Todd and Sherry have 4 kids between them with Bookend Brandons. The oldest is Sherry’s son Brandon, next is Todd’s daughter Morgan, followed by Sherry’s daughter Shelby and Todd’s son Brandon.  The kids are all ‘recently adults,’ making Todd and Sherry ‘recent’ empty-nesters!


“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.  You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” Hebrews 10:35-36 NIV

Winston Churchill 2The previous Soul H2O devotion; Obedient Faith…Brings Rest ended with today’s verse, some encouragement and a quote from Winston Churchill.

“To keep your promise, you need to live out the words

of Winston Churchill and

“Never, never, never give up!”

Reading the quote by Churchill led me to research his life. He was such an inspiring man in a potentially depressing time.

In 1941, while World War II was raging and Europe was being held captive by a murderous madman, “Victor de Laveleye, former Belgian Minister of Justice and director of the Belgian French-speaking broadcasts on the BBC” encouraged Belgians to form their hands into the V shape to represent victory. Months later, Winston Churchill began using the V sign in a speech.

churchill victory

For four more years, through great tribulation and much defeat, Churchill continued to use this hand sign to address the people of England.1 This was a visual sign of his confidence in their victory. To their enemy, it was also a visual defiance and a clear message of their perseverance as a nation.  The character trait that most impressed me about Churchill was his optimism. Churchill impacted a nation to not throw away their confidence and persevere on their way to victory.

Let this same mindset be yours. Signal to your enemy that you will endure until victory is achieved and you receive all that God has promised!



May a spirit of confidence in Your promises sweep over my spirit so I can persevere through anything the enemy throws my way. Help me to signal confidence and victory that will inspire others around me to great faith! In Jesus’ name, amen.


• Hebrews 10:35–36

• Genesis 17:5

• Romans 4:17-18

• Ephesians 3:12

1       Wikipedia, “V Sign.” Date of access: March 24, 2015 (


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