What Do We Do Now? By Dr. Lynnette Simm

The whole world has been in pain. Unfortunately, that statement isn’t an exaggeration. The losses we have all experienced can’t be understated. Whether the loss has been personal, communal, economic, or physical this season, it feels like there isn’t an end. Yet, all is not lost, because so much can be gleaned from this season of hardship. 

What is most important is to keep our foundation vitalized and Dr. Michelle Bengtson reminds us of six ways to do just that. 

  1. Pray fervently (more, deeper, without ceasing) 
  2. Speak God’s promises (Remind Him of His promises) 
  3. Declare your trust in Him (Let Him know you trust Him)
  4. Let God be your comfort 
  5. Seek Him with everything you have (earnestly in His word and in worship)
  6. See every difficulty as an opportunity for God to do what only God can do. (And for us to show His light, feel His love, share His grace and reveal His glory. 

Each of use are dealing with something but we must remember that “pain is pain, and God promises to be close to the broken-hearted,” says Dr. Bengston. 

So what can we do now as the holiday season begins? There is one more thing you can do—GIVE. ‘Tis the season of gratitude and giving. There are so many people who need you. Family members could use a word of encouragement, friends need prayer, and there are communities who can benefit from your generous heart. Call loved ones and ask how you can bless them. Reach out to friends and ask how you can bless them. Find a local food bank, shelter, or church and ask what needs they have so you can determine how to bless them. We are called to love one another and now is the time. Our beloved country, communities, friends, and family need your love. 

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