What We Should All Remember by Lisa Burkhardt Worley

I love sharing our POP Talk media interviews with people, especially if they will encourage, teach, or help grow them spiritually. However, there are some topics that I am more excited about than others.

A couple of weeks ago, I was scheduled to interview Dr. Bradley Truman Noel who wrote a book called Tinder, Tattoos and Tequila: Navigating the Gray Areas of Faith. I loved this topic, perhaps more than any we had ever tackled, and thought it would enlighten many people about Christian living.
However, when it was time for the interview, Dr. Noel was a no-show. I was perplexed because he had approved the script. That created a sense of confidence he would be ready. I waited for a while, then emailed him and after no reply, called his publicist. He was a college professor and pastor, so if there had been some school or church emergency, I asked his publicist if we could come up with a time to reschedule the interview.
On the Monday after the interview date, Dr. Noel’s publicist called. “Lisa, you are one of the first we’ve called. I wanted to let you know that Dr. Noel’s wife just phoned. The reason he was not on the interview Friday is because his family was burying him. He died in a motorcycle accident.” I was in shock, and even though I did not know this man personally, I began to pray for the family—as well as reflect.

I was reminded that we don’t know what day will be our last, something we should all remember, so that is why we need to make the most of every second. Love family members. Tell your friends you care about them, and serve the LORD with fervor. We should hold onto our lives loosely and remember what James said, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that” (James 4:14–15, NIV).
I’ve thrown many scripts away after completing an interview, but when I discarded this one, it was different because there was a strange finality about it. I knew the interview had not happened—and would never happen. However, we can all honor this man who approached a difficult subject about the gray areas of faith. Dr. Bradley Truman Noel’s book is on Amazon. Let’s support him and his family by purchasing his work. https://www.amazon.com/Tinder-Tattoos-Tequila-Navigating-Areas/dp/1641238305

Rest in peace, man of God.

One way you can wisely use the time you’ve been given is to attend our annual Level-Up Women’s Conference this Saturday, October 8th at Northview Baptist Church. We will be leveling-up our faith, leveling-up our future, and leveling-down our fears. Come get your spiritual booster shot, as well as be a part of some amazing giveaways. We would love to see you. Register today at: https://levelupdallas2022.eventbrite.com.
I will be praying for Dr. Traman’s family. As a tattooed member of the Christian Motorcycle Association, I will also purchase his book and share with others. Every breath is a precious gift, let us not take a single moment for granted.